Saturday, July 27th, 2024

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MAKING IT BETTER: Love Is Really The Answer…Isn’t It?

I’m almost embarrassed to ask this question because I feel as if I should know better, but I have had to get really serious about my state of mind and subsequent thinking recently. So let’s have some real talk here folks. Over the last few months I have been angry, irritated, anxious, and even almost […]

MAKING IT BETTER: A Minister By Any Other Name…..

Dear readers it’s been a short while since I was with you and I have missed you! I’m hoping the feeling was mutual. I have had a few weeks of stress and called into question my role or title as Minister. I know this sounds very dramatic but at the time it felt that way. […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Best Wishes For The New Year!

Happy 2017 dear readers! It’s good to be back with you again in this New Year. I hope you had a soft, peaceful entry into the year and I pray this continues throughout 2017, in addition to whatever else you might require to give you and your loved ones the best possible year. I am […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Grief, Mourning, Memories…and 2017

This is a time for celebration for many, but it will also be a time when many might be in mourning or grieving over some recent or past loss. I lost my beloved brother a week before Christmas four years ago. I can hardly believe it’s been that long. In my mind it was only […]

MAKING IT BETTER: …..Saying Goodbye To 2016!

As the curtain begins to close on the year 2016, I pray it quietly exits by itself, taking no more prisoners, causalities, causes no more heartbreak and disasters. The year has gone quickly but it was packed solidly with unforgettable events and with such pain. I always feel anxious as we come to the end […]

MAKING IT BETTER: The Struggle To Be Authentic In A Deeply Inauthentic World!

I am a member of a seminary of Ordained Ministers who are part of the wider community and I have been shocked, appalled and I daresay even frightened at the recent ferocity of discord that has recently erupted amongst them. We are all part of a face book thread of communication and through our conversations […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Mob Mentality, Collective Grief…And The Trump Impact!

In Countries, in offices, in homes and everywhere else in between, across the globe, everyones’talking about it. From what I can gather, the reaction is mostly one of shock, horror, disbelief, rage, grief and again every other emotion in between. Conversely, there are groups of people who are celebrating and rejoicing at what they believe […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Mob Mentality, Collective Grief…And The Trump Impact!

In Countries, in offices, in homes and everywhere else in between, across the globe, everyones’talking about it. From what I can gather, the reaction is mostly one of shock, horror, disbelief, rage, grief and again every other emotion in between. Conversely, there are groups of people who are celebrating and rejoicing at what they believe […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Do You Have ‘A Go To Person (Persons)’?

I spent last weekend with a group of fellow Ministers in Dartmouth UK and the time was exquisitely sublime.  Dartmouth is a rural town in the English countryside, so we were communing with nature in all its excellence and mystery. This retreat had been planned for several months and even though I signed up for […]

MAKING IT BETTER: It’s That Time Again…..

My dear readers, brothers, sisters, friends, I hold different roles in my daily life as many of us at Above Whispers do and I am sure many of you reading also do. One of the roles that I hold very dear to my heart and which helps to keep me grounded, centred and guides me […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Nollywood Drams And Lost Opportunities

I say with some level of embarrassment that I used to be one of those who had only negative comments to make about indigenous TV drama programmes. However over the last few years, I also say maybe with less levels of embarrassment that I have become quite partial to them. In fact sometimes I think […]

A Mother’s Role In A Changing World

A Book Review Title: A Mother’s Role In A Changing World Author: Diane Akinkanju Publisher: Inspired Writes Ltd. London, UK 2016 ISBN 978-0-99324492-2-8   ‘Every child is born good and perfect regardless of your beliefs, custom or religion….They are pure and unsullied, whatever they become is a testament to how we have moulded and formed […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Living Your Best Life!

“Many people have a wrong idea of what constitutes true happiness. It is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose” – Helen Keller Apart from the obvious economic drain, even devastation to many people’s lives, there are other more pertinent repercussions that prevail in the strive to keep up with the […]