Saturday, July 27th, 2024

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MAKING IT BETTER: Nigerian Women and Cosmetic Surgery….Really?

I ran into a good friend a few weeks ago and it was the strangest, almost out of body experience. You know when you know something is not looking right on someone and they try to act in total denial, so you are forced to be in denial with that person? Well, I can do […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Things I detest at Sixty

  Cruelty to humanity Haters Unkindness Small minded people False or insincere people False prophets/Religious frauds Paedophiles Violent men Violent women Complainers Unpleasantness (when not warranted) Tribalists Racists/Bigots Cults/Cultists In my professional and personal journey I am always on the lookout for inspirational words and thoughts that speak to the different places I find myself […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Self Awareness, Insight, Self Knowledge

These words all speak to a hugely important and significant skill we need to constantly strive for in order to be the best we can for ourselves and those around us. One of the sobering experiences of working with clients as a therapist or coach is that you are constantly faced with ongoing reflections of […]

MAKING IT BETTER: The Value And Pain of Family

When I first came up with the title of this article, I thought it could be seen as an oxymoron. By definition family should conjure up images of love, support, strength, and all things warm and fuzzy. Of course we all know this is not always the case. We all know family can bring pain […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Should I or Shouldn’t I; Can I or Can’t I?

There are no certainties about the future, but it doesn’t stop us trying to find them. We can end up becoming so worried about what might happen that we miss opportunities for embracing new, richer more rewarding experiences. Sometimes the most important decisions have to be made on the basis of insufficient evidence. Action is […]

MAKING IT BETTER: 36 Things I Know For Sure At Sixty

  I have lived a great life to date I love life Life is far too short Things can always be better Things can always be worse Family is everything, but you have to invest in it Good friends are invaluable Your happiness is truly your own responsibility Your health is precious and worth protecting […]

MAKING IT BETTER: An Open Letter to Above Whispers Community

Dear brother, sisters, (egbons, aburos), uncles, aunties and friends, I hope you will indulge me in my letter to you. I am feeling rather sentimental, prayerful, joyful, and full of grace and gratitude and want to share this with you. It has been almost a year and a half since Above Whispers was created by […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Love, Kindness And Compassion

Some of you might have heard of the recent tragic fire that gutted a low income high rise housing in West London. This tragic event is one coming so close behind the terrorist bombing at a concert in Manchester where young people had got together to relax and enjoy themselves. Prior to that London had […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Sixty Is The New 40!

Today and for the rest of the year I will be thanking God and finding every opportunity to celebrate. I have now reached an age where I can and no longer wish to reduce or camouflage the numbers, or refer to myself as a woman of a certain age, an older woman, the right or […]

MAKING IT BETTER: How Do You Assess Your Quality Of Life?

I have a big milestone I am about to achieve in a week so I have been contemplative, taking stock, being reflective and facing some interesting findings. I will speak to this in my next offering. If we think for a moment about the things that make us who we are, what would come to […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Raising Mental Health Awareness

This month in the UK there are different campaigns taking place around Mental Health. I thought it would be opportune to replicate the same here. So I will be trying to raise as much awareness on this important issue as I can. I encourage you to send in any questions you might want answered or […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Are Men Really From Mars And Women From Venus?

People tend to ask couples who have been married for long periods what their secrets are. I always find it an odd question because by virtue of the word secret,that would suggest it is not something you want to share. Besides one couple’s successful ingredients may not work for another. The two most important questions […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Names, Titles, Roles and Identities

Atinuke, Abike, Oyetoke, Gloria in excelcis…!! These are just some of the names I was given at birth. The others are all similar, celebratory, glorifying and exalting. It’s that time again when we celebrate international women’s day and of all the things I had initially contemplated writing about, I eventually settled for focusing on myself. […]