Saturday, July 27th, 2024

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MAKING IT BETTER: A Moment To Pause and Give Thanks….

So another dear sister lost her own personal health battles a week ago and was taken from us far too young.  I salute you dear sister. Go well on your journey home to rest.  Your elegance, grace, charm, intellect will always be remembered by those of us who were privileged to spend time with you. […]

The Healing Quality of Healthy Interpersonal Connections

Recently I was once again reminded of the strength of and need for relationships that hold up and survive the test of time. A good friend, sister and someone I can confidently say I consider my family rolled up into the UK a few weeks ago. We hadn’t seen or spoken to each other in […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Does Fear and Anxiety Hold You Back?

Let’s start off being very clear that fear and anxiety are not the same thing. I have had my share of both. Fear is a response to a real or perceived imminent threat. Anxiety on the other hand is an emotional fear of expected or anticipated threat. It can be an unfocussed worry; feelings of […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Compassion, Empathy, Humanity

These are words that sound quite simple and straightforward but in reality are quite powerful and mean so much. As human beings we have been created to have these qualities inherently within us. These are some of the gifts that have been bestowed upon us as human beings that separate us from the animal kingdom. […]

MAKING IT BETTER: My Own Personal Rant…Who are we?

The Yoruba’s would say ‘Tani aje’. Who are we as a people? I used to believe unconditionally that we are a good people intrinsically, but I’m faltering now and almost despairing. When a people lose their humanity then all is lost! Where do I start? Well, I will start with those who have been charged […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Talking About Suicides

Reading about the recent spate of suicides of celebrities in the UK and US has really struck a chord with me. It was only a few weeks ago I was writing about the increase in death of our younger generation. Hearing about the suicide of a very successful fashion designer, Kate Spade at 55 who […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Another Birth Year To Be Grateful For

Six decades and a year! That’s if you want to be dramatic which I have an inclination to be every now and then. I marked another birthday last week in the midst of hearing of death everywhere. Life continues to happen and we have to be a part of it the best way we know […]

MAKING IT BETTER: The Mystery Of This Thing Called DEATH!

It’s a debt we all have to pay,  I accept that but it feels as if death is collecting on this debt from people who haven’t spent enough time on earth yet to be called on to make the ultimate payment. Death seems to be collecting indiscriminately and with alarming rate. Slow it down grim […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Nothing But Love For The Youth

This week is Mental Health Awareness week in the UK and my thoughts are with our youth who are struggling on so many levels to make their way in an increasingly hostile environment; many having no moral compass and there are casualties that appear in different guises. Having spent the majority of the last few […]

MAKING IT BETTER: New Year 2018, Make A Good Start!

Happy New Year readers!! I hope you managed to have a good if not great festive season. I know it was very stressful for many people for various reasons. I can only hope and pray that those stresses are completely removed or at the very least alleviated in the New Year.  We all know of […]

MAKING IT BETTER: A Time For Celebration!

Dear beloved, much appreciated Above Whispers readers, this has indeed been a joyous fortnight for me for a few reasons. I start with the very successful launch of our very own Erelu Olabisi Adeleye-Fayemi’s book Above Whispers, which I had the good fortune to be a part of. The icing on the cake was meeting […]


This week I have a number of things running through my mind simultaneously so I figured I would just share them all with you. I start with sharing in the excitement with our dear Auntie, sister and creator of this awesome website, Mrs Adeleye-Fayemi of another accomplishment and feather in her cap. The publishing of […]

MAKING IT BETTER: What Type Of Identity Are You? Where Do You Fit In?

Do you recognise any of the following statements? “I don’t feel myself”; “I feel out of sorts”, “I don’t feel right”. ‘This is not me’. I don’t recognise myself’. Have you ever made any one of them at some point in time? These are just a few statements we make from time to describe an […]

MAKING IT BETTER: Home Sweet Home!

It was really heart warming to see the responses from readers to the recent article titled ‘Red Tomatoes’ in Loud Whispers. Mental health was celebrated worldwide recently and it felt like we have reached a milestone just by the number of articles and TV programmes that addressed the issue in Nigeria. As it is my […]