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MAKING IT BETTER: Home Sweet Home!

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Monday, October 16th, 2017

It was really heart warming to see the responses from readers to the recent article titled ‘Red Tomatoes’ in Loud Whispers. Mental health was celebrated worldwide recently and it felt like we have reached a milestone just by the number of articles and TV programmes that addressed the issue in Nigeria. As it is my lifelong work it is never far from anything I write or talk about, but I feel we are slowly bringing down the wall that surrounds it one brick at a time and Above Whispers’ readers are helping to expedite this dismantling.

I am in an elated state at the moment and want to share this with you. While we bemoan the ills of the world and all that has gone awry we must also celebrate our joys and hopes which we do effectively here on Above Whispers your favourite website. We try to get the balance.

So what is causing my elation you may ask? Well the clue is in the title at the top of the page. I arrived on the shores of this inimitable country called Nigeria, a few days ago! I haven’t stopped grinning since I arrived (I’m sure I soon will), but for now I can only see what is good and there are many things to celebrate.

It is really true what they say about there being no place like home. My sense of belonging and well being has definitely been heightened since I arrived. The smiles and laughter shared amongst friends and even strangers feels authentic in a way that is definitively different from what I encounter abroad from non Nigerians. There is a quality to it that is richer and more fulfilling. I am sure my future articles will probably express less flattering sentiments and that’s okay too. Please just enjoy with me for now.

This spirit that we as Africans in particular possess is a wonderful and indescribable thing, but he/she who feels it knows it. As I am writing this, it suddenly occurred to me that I had never really noticed the diversity of tribes that share and support one another on this website. This shows that we as a collective are actually doing the work that others only pay lip service to. I believe this because we choose to aspire to something better, nobler, more righteous which can only enhance our lives, our families lives and the wider community in which we live. This is in no way stifling difference in opinions, robust discourse and agreeing to disagree. However we create an atmosphere where we can return another day to continue another dialogue.

So I’m off to see what I can, eat what I can, dance to sounds of a different drum, simply put to enjoy Naija! No doubt I will be back with you soon.

Gloria Ogunbadejo writes a weekly column for Punch Newspaper. She is a Psychotherapist, a life coach, a holistic counsellor and an ordained Minister

Permission to use quotations from this article is granted subject to appropriate credit being given to as the source.

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11 Responses

  1. Home my home. You can only be the true son of the soil only in your land and not in a strange land no matter how important you are there.

  2. Mama is hommmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Wow! Good to have you here ma. Now, I know we will be seeing you at the hangout. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaay! Ekaabo ma

  3. I must say, I have never seen such great sincerity, seriousness as I see here on this site especially amongst the commenters. Sometimes, I feel I have missed some really good and serious Nigerians in Life. You are right ma. I wonder a lot too. When I am going through the comments with my husband he will say, ‘Are you sure these people are Nigerians?’

    Welcome home mama. Please eat well and dance well.

    1. Yes ma’am, we still have sincere Nigerians that uphold honour and integrity even in the midst of the “upandan”

  4. Dear all, your goodwill and sincere appreciation is always touching and the feeling is definitely mutual.
    Blessings to you all!

  5. Welcome home ma’am. Please enjoy all the Naija flavoured delicacies you can find. We still have a lot to celebrate. Thank you.

  6. Welcome back home ma’am, there’s indeed no place like home. Will be looking forward to reading about your adventures and experiences while you’re home. Do enjoy your stay ma’am.

  7. Welcome home, ma’am. There’s really no place on earth like Nigeria, like home. Did you miss eating suya or boli and groundnut? Kulikuli? Roasted corn. Lol. Enjoy home, ma’am.

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