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Worship Activates Angels

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Thursday, June 30th, 2022
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Princess Arira

As God’s beloveth, we have a resource that is greater than any attack the devil can launch against us. Would you like to know how you can activate angels in your life? The most important key is worship. As you offer your praise to the Lord, the passage above tells us that’s when angels are most active. Our Lord Jesus defined “fear” as “worship” for us. When Satan tempted Him in the wilderness, Jesus responded by quoting from Deuteronomy 13 which says, “You shall fear the LORD your God.” But He changed the word “fear” to “worship” in Mat 4 and said to the devil, “For it is written, ‘You shall worship the LORD your God’”

Beloved, when you worship the Lord, His angels camp all around you, surrounding you to deliver you. If you are going through a difficult period in your life and are fearful, choose to worship Him. Fear fills our hearts when we are occupied with ourselves, but when we worship the Lord, we become occupied with Him, His beauty, and His goodness, and His angels surround us like a protective shield.

The Lord always sends His angels to protect those that serves, worship and honour Him. One can’t go wrong following the Lord, when you walk in obedience and in steps with the Lord, He guards and guides your path. He loves those who are His and will never allow anything evil to come near them.
When God gives His angels charge over you, they go ahead of you to guard and protect you from all sorts of danger, the bibles says “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares”. 

Bible references.,Deut 6:13, Mat 4:10, Psalm 34:7, Heb 13:2.

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