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Sexual Violence In the Democratic Republic of Congo

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Friday, July 16th, 2021
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Year after year, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams are first-hand witnesses of the scale and impact of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

In 2020, 10,810 survivors of sexual violence received medical and/or psychological care in MSF-supported medical facilities throughout the country.

Sexual violence is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical and psychological care to limit the consequences for survivors.

Unfortunately, emergency and long-term care for survivors of sexual violence remains largely unavailable in DRC.

Given the magnitude of the problem and its consequences, we believe that emergency and long-term support programmes must be put in place as soon as possible, with significant and continuous funding, to accompany survivors until they have made a full medical, psychological and socioeconomic recovery.

This report aims to show this reality by presenting medical data collected by MSF teams in 2020, and testimonies of field workers providing medical and psychological support to survivors of sexual violence.

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