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Boko Haram Attacks Humanitarian Workers, Three Feared Killed, Two Reportedly Kidnapped

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Monday, December 23rd, 2019
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Three people were feared killed on Sunday when suspected members of the Boko Haram attacked humanitarian workers in Borno State.

Two others were also reportedly kidnapped by the insurgents, sources told PREMIUM TIMES.

The insurgents carried out the attack along the Maiduguri-Monguno road.

Credible sources within the UN system in Maiduguri, Borno State, confirmed the attack. Details are still sketchy as officials within the UN offices said it is too early to give correct figures of casualties.

A usually reliable UN source said the two of the abductees were female.

“I can confirm to you that the sad incident happened today along Monguno road but one cannot be certain about the actual figure yet,” said the source who craved anonymity.


PREMIUM TIMES gathered the attacked humanitarian workers are employees of an international NGO called Alima.

Alima is the first INGO to set foot on the reclaimed town of Monguno in June 2016 when it commenced humanitarian aid operations in Borno State. It is still providing services in Monguno to date.

All efforts to contact officials of Alima for further confirmation were not successful at the time of this report.

The military too could not be reached for confirmation and has not released any statement on the attack.

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