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Top 10 Reasons Kids Should Become Junior Golfers

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Sunday, April 10th, 2016
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Kids high-five on the golf course, show sportsmanship and respect.
Kids high-five on the golf course, show sportsmanship and respect.

1. Wellness for life: With the youth obesity epidemic in our country, golf is a sport that helps young people get off the couch. When you play golf, walking the golf course and carrying your bag, a 150-pound person burns 350 calories and walks more than 10,000 steps.

2. Spend time with family: Golf is a game that encourages family participation.

3. Learn etiquette: Young people should play golf because it is based on characteristics that are missing in our society. Golf places an emphasis on etiquette. In golf there is no judge or referee; instead, players govern themselves and fellow competitors.

4. Prepare for business: Golf is a sport that helps prepare kids and teens for careers in business and other professional arenas.

5. Appreciate diversity: Golf is a game that can be played for a lifetime by anyone regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, size or skill level.

6. Manage emotions: Golf closely parallels real life as one experiences the highs and lows of the game. This range of experience from birdies to triple bogeys rewards a young person’s ability to keep each shot in perspective, manage one’s emotions, maintain a positive outlook and focus on the shot at hand.

7. Have a safe place to play: The golf course is a safe place and facilitates mentoring relationships in a safe environment.

8. Practice personal responsibility:Sometimes the ball doesn’t always bounce your way, but regardless of the outcome, there is no blaming your teammates for what happens.

9. Develop lifelong friendships: You never know who you will meet on a golf course and interaction with others allow kids to develop social skills.

10. Enjoy the outdoors: Young people should play golf because it is an opportunity to spend a few hours in the fresh air. While playing golf, kids and teens can experience all types of fauna and flora.


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