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17 Key Traits That Separate Managers From Leaders [Infographic]

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Wednesday, March 16th, 2016
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The difference between managing and leading might seem fuzzy to managers, but it’s crystal clear to their direct reports. Think about it: Would you rather be told what to do, or sold on a vision? Would you prefer to work for someone who rules with an iron fist and attempts to control your every move, or someone who empowers you to make decisions and encourages experimentation? It’s a no-brainer.

Even if your title is “manager,” it behooves you to learn and apply the principles of leadership to your day-to-day. If you could use some clarification on the line between manager and leader, check out the following infographic from ResourcefulManager. Strive to adopt the traits on the right side of the graphic, and leave those on the left behind.

Managers vs Leaders

Managers vs Leaders 2

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Managers vs Leaders 7

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