Sunday, February 16th, 2025


The Pathway To Worship

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Monday, November 13th, 2023
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By Princess Arira

Worship is a devotion to God, it’s a way of acknowledging God. It’s a way of showing honour, respect, submission and civil deference to God. Some men have done a lot of things over the years to replace worship. What man can do for himself, that is the ability of man, is known as human excellence. Another one is heresy that leads to confusion. Heresy means to choose or leave, an heretic man agrees with the truth but he chooses the one he wants. In the worship of God to man, man runs into heresy. There are different kinds of heretic men in this generation. An heretic man choses the truth that is favourable to him and discard the one that is not favourable to him.

Every heresy arises when a man either remove or add to the truth of God’s word. If your worship is to God, it must be with the standard of God. Every culture have tampered with the truth, God does not accept worship that originates from heresy. Every heretic worship is abomination to God.
Jesus corrected some heresies in samaria. And the heresies that Jesus resolved about the Samaritan Congregations are.,

1. Location: – Jesus told them at Samaria that location does not determine worship
2. Knowledge: – Jesus addressed knowledge.  Jesus said to them, you don’t worship what you don’t know. If you do that, you are just worshipping in ignorance.

Any worship outside the spirit and the truth is a heretic one. No matter the instrument and the level of commitment added to it. If it is outside the spirit and the truth, then it is heretic. There is no way you can worship outside the truth and the spirit. The antidote for heresy is the truth and the spirit.

Bible references.,Rev 22:19-20, Jhn 4:19-22. 

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