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Bringing up our children in the way of the Lord

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Saturday, June 3rd, 2023
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Princess Arira

As parents, bringing up our children is a life long commitment. You have a responsibility to play throughout the life of your children. Children are very important to God. Our role as parents is to nurture our children, we don’t learn parenting in school. Most times, it is largely by experience, and our responsibilities as parents is to raise extraordinary children through wisdom that is available in the word of God.

As parents, in bringing up your child in the way of the Lord, you need to know God and the instructions in His word so as to be able to raise godly children. Parents need to be intentional about how they shapen their children and the set of belief they hold on to as they grow. It takes intentionality as parents to bring up their children in the way of the Lord.

How do we train our child? 
Building up a right foundation, pray into the future of your marriage. It starts with you and your spouse setting up a godly home. Knowing God yourself because it is the God you know that you can introduce to your child. Parenting is a joint responsibility, be intentionally involved in the upbringing of your child. Don’t leave it for your spouse alone. The both of you should work in synergy in the upbringing of your ward.

Why do we need to nurture our children in the way of the Lord?
Start speaking into the destiny of the child before he/she is born. Even after birth and as they are growing, you as a parent shouldn’t stop preaching and teaching your child God’s word. Sow godly seeds into their life. Always ensure you enquire from the Lord before they are born.
Always mean what you say and say what you mean as parents in the upbringing of your ward, you must not compromise the values and godly principles you have imbibed in them regardless. Teach your children responsibility and gratitude to God. 

✓ Our children are Gods’s heritage Psm 127:3-6. We as parent are mere caretakers. Training your child is stewardship to God. Pro 22:6, you need to start training while the child is young.
✓ We need to ensure we lay the foundation first, so that when the world brings in their norms and beliefs, they are not carried away or distracted.
✓ Our children do not automatically become Christians because they were born into a Christian home, it is our civic responsibility to teach them about Christ and it’s finished works.
✓ We are preparing them to face their own challenges in life. We should build them in the way of the Lord. 
✓ The devil is not at rest. The world has become a global village. There are all sorts of sexual perversion and it has been legalized, and that has been a major distraction to youngsters and the world at large. 
✓  A child you do not train will bring shame and disgrace to you Pro 17:25. When you train up a child in the way of the Lord, great shall be your peace.

Bible references.,Mat 19:14, 18:16, 1Pet 5:8, 2Tim 1:5, 2Kings 4:18-19, Judges 13:8, 1Sam 1:11,3:7. Isa 54:13.

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