Monday, February 17th, 2025


Brooding On Waiting, Errors And Ethos

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Thursday, May 18th, 2023
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Waiting doesn’t mean we stop doing our assignment. It simply means following God as He leads us. We keep serving while we wait. A great ministry starts with a great mindset, you’re to stay in the race. Many at times, believers think once God shows them what the future holds, it means they will achieve all in an once. No it doesn’t work that way because the things of God starts small but never remain small. He is a God of order, all His things are done decently and in order. God said to be patient and rejoice even in the times of tribulations..

This reminds me of a senior colleague, he kept on working but there was no result. One day he told God to kill him if doing it according to divine pattern doesn’t yield results. He had a dream, he saw a very solid foundation and construction of a bridge that connected many nations. He woke up thinking what that could mean, he cried God kill me instead of wasting me here. The Lord told him, you died and resurrected with me many years ago when you became born again. The man in Christ is a new creature.

He kept quiet and the Lord told him to wait, the bridge is almost completed. Which bridge is that? He asked,  the Lord said the one I showed you. 7years after that revelation, he became all God told him. He that wait upon the Lord, He shall renew their strength. The stature of men of God who have worked with Him did not just start one day. It took many years, they never stopped following God. They kept following Jesus everyday.
That’s the reason I will always tell anyone who comes my way to follow Jesus daily. Even when we stumbled on the way, we must quickly stand and follow our master. Our errors shouldn’t be made a doctrine or standard. God is managing everyone of us, none of us is a superman but that’s not the yardstick to keep misbehaving.

We are closer to our destination today than yesterday if we focus and faint not. Don’t lose sight of the ultimate prize. Stay with God, the days are here just as the mouth of the Lord spoke it.

Bible references.,1Cor 14:40, Rom 12:12, Isa 40:31.

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