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The Effect Of Genuine Repentance

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Saturday, October 29th, 2022
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By Princess Arira

At every point in your life as a believer, there is a need for genuine repentance. Every procrastination is a form of sin, every repentant man will lead people to repentance. Every level God takes you to in life and you have being wallowing in sin you must repent, there is no man that genuinely repent that God cast away. Most times what people display is remorsefulness and not repentance, one of the fruits of genuine repentance is that you will not go back to what you were doing wrong again.
Repentance makes you burn the bridges of sin. One of the greatest criteria of burning the bridges is total repentance from sin. Every great intimacy with God starts with repentance, unrepentance is a sin of pride, repentance makes you open up your heart to God but remorsefulness makes you cover up your sins.
When there is something going wrong and repentance has not come in you get separated from God. Unrepentance makes God hide His face from you, it disdignifies you and your entire being and a human. 

What geuine Repentance Does To You✓ Genuine Repentance makes God permanently heal you, you become healed from sins and addictions. Repentance opens you up, it breaks you and makes you humble yourself before God. Anytime you don’t repent you cover the devil and you give him time to proliferate.
✓ Genuine repentance layoff/turns away the wrought of God and it brings His favour your way. It commands God’s favour to your life.
✓ Genuine repentance brings comfort, there are some level of comfort you cannot enter until you genuinely repent from your sins. It prepares your heart and make it straight for lasting friendship with God.
✓ Genuine repentance builds up every low places in your heart and tears down every high places. Those sins you have not repented from becomes sickness in your body, a man that is repentant will always forgive others.
✓ Genuine repentance grants you access to the revealed glory of God. Wherever area you are not following peace, the devil takes advantage of it.

Bible references.,Isa40:1-5, 59:1, 2Chro 7:14, 1Kings 21:27-29.

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