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John Magufuli Photographer: Simon Maina/AFP via Getty Images

‘Set Your Ovaries Free’ – President John Magufuli

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Friday, July 12th, 2019
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Tanzania President John Magufuli has urged the country’s women to “set your ovaries free” and have many more children so the economy can grow, Reuters reports.

Magufuli cited China, Nigeria and India’s economy as examples of countries that have over the years gained from having a huge population.

“I know that those who like to block ovaries will complain about my remarks. Set your ovaries free, let them block theirs,” the 59-year-old president, with only 2 children reportedly told a gathering in his home town of Chato.

Tanzania is the second-largest economy in the East African Community and the tenth-largest in Africa. The country is largely dependent on agriculture for employment.

John Magufuli Photographer: Simon Maina/AFP via Getty Images
 Simon Maina/AFP via Getty Images
Some social media users were not happy with the president’s comments, with some saying it is simply bad economics for him to urge Tanzanians to have more babies.

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