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Global Fund Welcomes Japan’s Commitment To Save One Million Lives

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Monday, June 24th, 2019
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 The Global Fund praised the great leadership by the Government of Japan for its renewed, strong commitment against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria with funding that will contribute to saving one million lives in the coming three-year period.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced Japan’s commitment to the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment at the meeting of the Sustainable Development Goals Promotion Headquarters on 21 June 2019, in connection with Japan’s initiatives in disaster prevention, health and education, based on the principle of human security and leaving no one behind. Japan’s commitment will contribute to saving one million lives, adding momentum to the Global Fund Investment Case goal of saving 16 million lives overall.

Japan’s commitment will be achieved through a contribution of US$840 million to the Global Fund’s Sixth Replenishment. The pledge represents a 5 percent increase when compared with the previous three-year period. Japan’s pledge comes just days before Japan’s hosting of the G20 Summit in Osaka, on 28-29 June, where the first joint G20 finance and health ministers meeting will be held to discuss sustainable health financing to achieve Universal Health Coverage.

The commitment signals Japan’s steadfast leadership in global health and efforts to support increased domestic financing for health, a critical element to achieving Universal Health Coverage. The Government of Japan recognizes the role the Global Fund to act as a catalyst for domestic resource mobilization and investing in resilient and sustainable systems for health, thereby accelerating progress toward Universal Health Coverage.

Prime Minister Abe announcing Japan’s commitment to the Global Fund at the SDGs Promotion Headquarters meeting.

 The Global Fund expressed deep gratitude to the people and the Government of Japan.

Prime Minister Shinzo

“Once again, Japan is leading the charge in efforts to help the world achieve Universal Health Coverage,” said Peter Sands, Executive Director of the Global Fund. “We are tremendously grateful to the people of Japan and to Prime Minister Abe for the unwavering support for the fight against HIV, TB and malaria. Together, we can end these epidemics and achieve health for all by 2030.”

The Global Fund partnership was created to save and improve the lives of millions of people affected by HIV, TB and malaria, aligned with Japan’s commitment to promoting human security and taking leadership in Universal Health Coverage. Japan is a leader in efforts to galvanize the world to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by member states of the United Nations in 2015.

Japan introduced infectious diseases to the G8 Kyushu-Okinawa Summit’s agenda in 2000, which paved the way for the Global Fund’s establishment in 2002. Since then, Japan has been a strong supporter of the Global Fund and is its fifth largest contributor.

The Global Fund set a target for raising at least US$14 billion for its next three-year period of funding, outlining how the funds will help save 16 million lives, cut the mortality rate from HIV, TB and malaria in half, and build stronger health systems by 2023. In addition, every US dollar invested in the Global Fund will have a return in broader economic gains of US$19.

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