Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


Rant Of The Day – Prostitution Is For Her, What About Him?

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Wednesday, June 13th, 2018

Hello Readers, 

Welcome to the rant column. 


Man : So, when will you be coming to my house and what’s the bill for the night?

Woman : Just 10 thousand naira, for 3 hours. 

Man : For what now? The other girls don’t charge this much. 

Woman : No way!  I am different from them if you want to be with me, pay my fees. 


Excuse me, can I get your attention? Why is the woman only addressed as the prostitute? Does, she sleep with herself? Who patronises her? As far as I am concerned, any man who goes about with a sex worker is also a sex worker! You cannot taint the image of the woman and make yourself pure in the process. If no one man patronises her, she will be free from this work. If she was given a better option, she will not be there. A man that goes about with prostitutes and then goes to taint her image, goes to choose another because she is presented as saint, is a Fool.

As far as I am concerned, women should take it seriously too as man take it seriously. You see them saying they cannot have anything to do with a prostitute when they patronise prostitutes, so is she a prostitute on her own? If the men segregate women, women should do same to men. You should hold them responsive and  call them philanderers. Men should not be allowed to go freely when they should be held responsible for their actions. Men should be held down too. You cannot leave the man and hold the woman responsible.

Please, let us have brain!

4 Responses

  1. Lol. I agree that men who patronize sex workers should as well be held accountable for their actions but to classify their action as sex working? patronizing a trade is never the same as practicing it and that cannot be made to apply in this case, regardless of the convenience of assuming such. Some women chose to trade with their body and as long as they weren’t forced or coerced into the action should be willing to live with whatever tag it incurs in the society. If men who distaste virgins are not tagged by it, so should be men with no passion for women that have served many.

  2. This rant is on point, i just don’t see any good reason a man caught sleeping with another man’s wife should not be held responsible as well. It takes two to tango.

  3. My sister! This is an issue we should address, and I do not see the reason why women who have decided to take on such trade should be relegated? No way!

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