Monday, February 17th, 2025


Rant Of The Day – Not On Social Media

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Wednesday, April 25th, 2018

Hello Readers, 

Welcome to the rant column,

social media writing

I want to use this medium to talk to my fellow Nigerians{ I am beginning to sound like a motivational speaker yeah? lol} to please stop ranting about the ill-gotten state of the country without doing the necessary. The nation we seek for doesn’t exist through rant on social media alone, you have to go out and get what is rightfully yours and do a campaign to promote positivity.

The rant will do well on the streets than the buzz on twitter, instagram and facebook or other social media platforms. I have realised that we talk more than we implement actions in this part of the world. Take for instance, 2019 is almost here and everybody has something to say about governance, they want every thing to improve but most of the people going online to rant haven’t registered to get their voters card. So, what are you ranting about?

You need to vote to get the right ones in place but when you just talk and talk and trend with hashtags, nothing will happen! We should understand that campaign works more on the streets, we need to get to every part of the rural and urban areas to sensitise people. Social media is good yeah, but there is more to be done Offline Than Online!

Have a great week!

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