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Rant Of The Day – More Than Thunder

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Friday, September 22nd, 2017

Welcome to the rant column

                                                        The conversation. 


Vivian : Mum, I want to go to a federal school

Mum : What do you want to study again?

Vivian : Medicine. {smiles}

Mum : Ah! Is that not 6years?

Vivian : Yeah. Just 6 years and I am out

Mum : You are 19 yeah?

Vivian : Yes mum. Why are you asking all these questions?

Mum : 19+ 8 plus another one year of housemanship and service.. By 30 you will be through. Hmmm!

Vivian : I said 6 years mum plus the other ones you mentioned.

Mum : In Nigeria, Federal school for that matter,have you forgotten that you have to calculate the ‘strikes’? My dear, I can’t kill your dreams I can only pray for the strength to move on. But if in the course of your study,if  you find a good man. Please marry!

Vivian : Mum?

Mum : Yes, Daughter!

Vivian : There will be no strike in my time by God’s grace.

Mum : Your elder sister said that three years ago, your brother did just a year ago and Nkechi our neighbour’s daughter said so 6 months ago. I rest my case

5 Responses

  1. This was the kinda conversation I had with a year 4 student a couple of months ago when she was bragging about having never experienced strike. Now she’s supposed to have graduated already but she doesn’t even know when she’s gonna start exams. #ourshittynigeriareality

  2. Hmmmmmmmmm. Strike more than thunder ni oo. Only God will help us in this country. When the so called leaders doesn’t care about the wellbeing of the people.
    Our education system is messed up big time. Strike everytime. Na real wa for Nigeria

  3. Can’t help laughing. If we have to consider strike actions when going to school, I must say it isn’t good at all. A student going into the university should know exactly when he or she is going to come out. A lot needs to be done about education in Nigeria

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