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Ways To Motivate Others In Your Life To Do Something

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Wednesday, September 6th, 2017

Are you able to inspire and motivate yourself and other people around you?

It’s a challenge that everyone from business owners to parents have struggled to answer. The good news, is that if you use these tips, you’ll be able to successfully motivate others to do whatever you ask of them.

1. Promote purpose.

Purpose is an intrinsic motivator, which means that you will be focusing on yourself and your organization’s purpose. Helping others discover their purpose and how they contribute to your outcomes provides both of you with a sense of purpose.


In the workplace, for example, research from Imperative found that purpose-oriented workers stay with organizations 20 percent longer. These employees` are 50 percent more likely to be in leadership positions and 47 percent more likely to promote other people’s work. These employees report having higher levels of fulfillment in their work by 64 percent.

So, how can you promote purpose? Start by:

  • Standing for something authentic and, if you’re a manager, aligning your values with your corporate culture.
  • Operationalizing purpose across the board from culture, KPI’s, product development, distribution, hiring, and marketing.
  • Infusing real and compelling purpose into your brand.

2. Actively listen and ask open-ended questions.

You’ve probably seen the movie where someone gives a rallying speech. The speech then motivates the people around the speaker so much that everyone screams and bursts into action.

In reality, that rarely works. I’m not saying that you can’t deliver an inspiring speech, it’s just that motivation starts inside others. This means that you have to know what exactly motivates others by understanding their thinking and behaviors. You have to discover what their goal and dreams are and how you can encourage them to reach the top of the mountain.

The only way you’re going to achieve this is by spending time with and actively listen to them.

That may sound easier said than done, by a great starting point is by asking open-ended questions like:

  • “Why do you want to do that?”
  • “What makes you so excited about it?”
  • “How long has that been your dream?”

You can then use their answers to help get them started in making their dreams a reality and how to keep them motivated through encouragement and appreciation.

3. Catch them in a motivational wave.

When you want to motivate someone to make a change for the better, nagging or motivational speeches, quotes, or videos probably aren’t going to do the trick.

“It may be that you have somebody that you married or someone in your family that you think needs to get more active. Possibly you feel they need to eat better. What you will probably be incredibly successful at doing is nagging them until they get it done. It doesn’t work,” said psychologist BJ Fogg, who is also the director of the Persuasive Technology Lab at Stanford.

One Response

  1. Hey Above Whispers Editors,

    My name is Martin and I am the CEO & Co-Founder of — a leading educational website that helps people actually get their dream job (we write super actionable and helpful career guides :-).

    I stumbled upon your post on “Ways To Motivate Others In Your Life To Do Something” and I thought it was very insightful.

    Over the last 2 weeks I wrote probably the most actionable and helpful guide on everything people ever wanted to know about how to motivate employees, what big companies like Google do to motivate their employees, what’s the benefit of Google way employee motivation etc.
    When it comes to motivating their employees, it can be said without question that Google stands out from the rest.Google’s model of motivation and leadership topples traditional leadership theory which focuses more on results than on the people who deliver those results. The company’s work culture is true to its philosophy.

    In this article we will discuss about the Google’s work culture, Google way of motivation, how they get their job done, how 20% of Google free time can be creative etc. Any chance you’d include our actionable guide on “How to motivate employees in Google way” ( in your awesome article (

    Have a lovely day and keep up the good work,

    CEO Cleverism

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