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Rant Of The Day – Nose Picking

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Thursday, June 22nd, 2017

Welcome to the rant column.

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, social etiquette, proper hygiene is very essential. I mean, why should a grown man or lady be seen nose picking in public? Jeez! That’s whew!


Find a secluded place to do that even if you want to not in the public glare. Nope! It’s totally wrong. Let’s try to be modest and being modest is knowing when and where to do somethings. I know it’s your nose and your hands but please for mental stability, third eyes protection… Kindly save the masses!

Don’t nose pick in public! It’s wrong! If it’s unconscious and you find your hand moving towards your nose, remove your earpiece and listen to a good music.


9 Responses

  1. But really, the way this rant writer writes ehn? This article cracked me up.. ”if your hands is moving towards your nose, remove your earpiece”. such savagery. Chai. looool

  2. Thanks for sharing this young lady. I must confess people feel nose picking is a normal thing but its very appaling to do that in public.

  3. This is hilarious but very true. It has come to my notice that girls do it more compared to the guys. Please nose pickers either male or female, stop it because it very bad.

  4. Chai…. Am a victim. Noted. Sometimes I get so carried away and I just do it in public. But am turning a new leave now

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