Friday, February 14th, 2025


7 Powerful Habits for A Growth Mindset

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Saturday, June 10th, 2017
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Growth Mindset brains

Each of us as individuals are responsible for the direction of our own realities. Every decision we make has a consequence, whether it’s positive or negative. So what do we mean by growth mindset?

A growth mindset translates into the belief that our minds, including our skills and the abilities we possess, can be developed and improved throughout our day to day lives. The opposite of this would be a ‘fixed mindset’ approach to life.

The Facts

Researchers, such as Carol Dweck, have dedicated over 30 years of their lives in researching and exploring the attitudes of failures discovering why we think in the repressive ways that we do. Dweck was responsible for coining the growth mindset concept and thanks to advanced technologies that have allowed us a deeper understanding into neuroscience, it is now scientifically proven that our brains are capable of expanding and growing based on the conscious mindsets we have.

By developing and altering our mindsets to develop, we are enabling ourselves to make positive changes in our lives, allowing us as individuals to aim high, achieve our goals and live our dreams.

To give you a helping hand towards a more positive and inspiring way of life, here are a few personal habits that can change your life forever:

1. Believe In Positivity

Throughout our lives we are hardwired to believe and consider failure. Parents, even with best interests at heart, will tell their children to slow down, don’t fall out the tree and play safe. By being told this repeatedly, we are wiring our brains to always think of the negative outcome of a situation before we think of the positive, rewarding outcome.

To break free of this negatively driven mindset, envision the future. Imagine and truly believe what it will feel like if you achieve them. Many people are astonished when they find out how easy it is to achieve something once you can clearly see your goal.

2. Become Aware of Your Actions

Becoming aware of the decisions you are making and the effects they will have on yourself and the others around you will improve your successful mindset and help you to achieve your goals. This is especially important with other people. Consider the impact you are having on others with the words that you choose to speak to them.

Are you using words that are enabling the other person to grow, develop and learn from their experiences? Whether you’re at home, with friends or at work, choosing your words can massively impact the way people perceive you and your attitude and, if implemented in the right way, you can gain positive amounts of feedback and support when it comes to your personal situation.

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” – Fred DeVito

3. Failure Isn’t the End, It’s a New Beginning

If you have attempted something, whether it’s a challenge as simple as going for a run or starting a new business and you fail, that doesn’t mean you should write that project off and forget about it. Failure is the first step in becoming successful and if you don’t allow for these little setbacks and you give up, you’ll never take that first step on the successful path towards your goals and dreams.

4. Take On the Challenge

It’s not unusual to feel scared of failure when presented with a new challenge. When life throws you a curve ball and you’re faced with a new challenge, take the chance to give it your best shot. The worst thing is that you’ll be given the opportunity to learn from your mistakes so you can succeed next time.

5. Open Up Your Mind to New Experiences & Information

As mentioned, individuals with a fixed mindset are only interested in questions or statements that they know the answers to or they know to be true. Those people mentally shut themselves off from the concept of learning. If you’re afraid of failure and unwilling to learn from your new experiences or take on new information, how can you ever hope to move yourself forward to achieve your dreams and goals?

“Be curious, not judgmental.” – Walt Whitman 

6. Be Self-Rewarding

You don’t need other people to tell you that you have achieved something great nor do you need their approval. By possessing the ability to believe in yourself and by taking the time to accept and congratulate yourself on learning a new skill or meeting one of your goals can be life changing and helps to open up a whole new world of possibilities.

7. Don’t Let Negativity Hold You Back

You can never make everybody in this world happy. Whether you’re committing to a new diet, changing your lifestyle or seeking out new ways to live your dreams, there are always going to be people who put you down or think you’re being ridiculous. Despite the comments causing obvious negative feelings and possibly even doubt in yourself, the simple trick is not to listen. You are doing what you are doing because you believe in yourself and you are doing what is best for you.

In conclusion, it can be hard for us as individuals to look forward, especially since our brains are managed in such a way from a young age to believe, unconsciously, that we are limited to what we can achieve. However, it has been proven time and time again that we as people can achieve anything we want to, as long as we put our minds to it. So the best way is to try and see the amazing results.

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