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Liberia: Woman, 23, Charged By Police for Possessing Fire Arm

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Monday, January 23rd, 2017
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In the wake of series of armed robbery incidents experienced in several parts of Monrovia and its environs, the Liberian National Police (LNP) has charged Nancy Wleh, 23, for the illegal possession of a single barrel gun.

Hundreds of firearms are displayed before being destroyed at the Morelos military headquarters in Tijuana, Mexico. Photograph: Guillermo Arias/AFP/Getty Images

Nancy Wleh charge comes following weeks of investigation by the Liberian National Police.

She was formally charged by the LNP Wednesday, January 18 with the possession and sale of physical objects for lethal use and forwarded to the Monrovia City Court at the Temple of Justice where she was admitted to bail pending prosecution.

Possession and sale of physical objects for lethal use is in violation of Chapter 17.11 of the revised penal code of the Republic of Liberia court records indicated.

The Police charge sheet states that the defendant, a resident of the Slip Way Community, was arrested later after the Johnson Street armed robbery incident at her home with one brown bag that contained the single barrel short gun and a pin-bar.

According to the Police, Wleh was among four armed robbery suspects arrested by Police officers in connection with a January 10, 2017 armed robbery incident that took place on the Johnson Street when an undisclosed amount of cash was stolen from two money exchangers.

Three other armed robbery suspects arrested along with Wleh, and they have already been charged and forwarded to court but they reprimanded at the Monrovia Central Prison pending prosecution.

According to the Police, when she was arrested and investigated voluntarily she admitted to the possession of the single barrel short gun but argued that the bag that contained the gun was given to her by one of the armed robbery suspects identified as Ballah Gizzie.

“That defendant Nancy Wleh is in the constant habit of harboring notorious criminals at her house, giving them information and keeping stolen items for them,” the Police charge sheet said.

But defendant Wleh who claimed to be a mother of one year old boy child told reporters that she is involved in petit trade to earn her livelihood while insisting that she is not a criminal as alleged by the Police.

When contacted, Police spokesperson Sam Collins told FrontPageAfrica that defendant Wleh was an armed robbery suspect and not an armed robber.

” We only brought in Wleh here for investigation because she was link to the Johnson Street armed robbery incident but if the investigators say that was not an armed robbery that what the investigators say, no comment,” said Police spokesperson.

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