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(AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)

A Post-Election Message Of Thanksgiving From Republican Women For Hillary

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Friday, November 25th, 2016
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(AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)
(AP Photo/Seth Wenig, File)


Let’s be honest: Gratitude wasn’t the first emotion we felt after the election. In fact, it wasn’t the second, third, or one hundredth emotion we felt. We were shocked, demoralized, sad, confused, angry, unsure, nervous and, frankly, scared for the future of our country.

But, after several days of reflection, we’ve realized that we really do have a lot to be thankful for.

We are thankful for our Republican leaders. To those that failed the test of principled leadership this year: Thank you for making it so easy for us to recognize who’s to blame for sending our party right down the trash chute. Sure, Republicans control all of Washington now, but once the next generation takes over, we can kiss that all goodbye. To those that stood strong and opposed the blatant sexism and bigotry: Thank you for setting an example for the rest of us. We became Republicans, because we optimistically believe in the ideals of growth and inclusion, of American unity and prosperity. We hope that you will continue to push back if this Administration continues in the divisive footsteps of its leader’s campaign.

We became Republicans, because we optimistically believe in the ideals of growth and inclusion, of American unity and prosperity.

We are thankful for the amazing women (and men) who joined us in believing that the Republican Party, and America, should always aspire to be better, not retreat back to times, policies, and public sentiments when America was at its worst. You are the next generation of policy makers that America deserves. Your continued enthusiasm has kept us going, and we will support you in every city council position you run for, every speech you make at school board meetings, every call you make to your congresspeople, and every step outside of your comfort zone when you stand up for what is right.

We are thankful for the Democrats who reached across the aisle and became our allies ― not just in campaigning for Hillary, but in supporting us as Republicans and proactively plotting bipartisan ways to work together. Thank you for showing us that we really aren’t all that different after all. When we can prioritize and compromise to achieve the greatest good for all people without being distracted by partisan politics, we can truly make America great.

We are thankful for our passionate, dedicated social media trolls. Thank you for continuing to remind us that there are still people out there who believe that women and minorities shouldn’t have the right to vote; that it’s perfectly normal to call someone you’ve never met disgusting names before wishing for their death; that the constitution should be upheld but only when it applies to themselves; and that it’s ok to publicly (and privately) threaten and harass people so long as you don’t agree with them on politics. Thank you for fueling our fire to fight for continued progress.

We are thankful for Donald Trump. Without him, we wouldn’t have recognized why our party has been stuck in a rut since 2008…

And finally, we are thankful for Donald Trump. Without him, we wouldn’t have recognized why our party has been stuck in a rut since 2008 or why it ignored its own autopsy of 2012. We wouldn’t realize how far women still must go to achieve equality. We wouldn’t understand how deep America’s racism still runs, and how endangered many of our neighbors still are, even in 2016. We wouldn’t have had an excuse to organize and build a network across the country. And Republican women everywhere wouldn’t have realized what it means to feel empowered, instead of only being rewarded for blind loyalty.

So thank you, to everyone. We really do have a lot to be thankful for. As vocal advocates of the peaceful transfer of power when Donald Trump threatened to challenge the outcome of the election, we will give him the benefit of the doubt and trust that he surrounds himself with wise counsel when he assumes office. But, rest assured, the moment he or any of his appointees puts their interests before our country’s, infringes on the rights of any citizen, dismisses any part of our constitution, or slips back into the campaign’s hateful rhetoric, we will fight back. Republican Women for Hillary is now Republican Women for America, a name that we don’t take lightly. We will continue to be a voice of reason and empower women to take a stand for what is right.


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