Sunday, February 16th, 2025


Your Child Needs These 8 Things From You Everyday

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Monday, October 3rd, 2016
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father listening to daughter

There is nothing a parent wants more than to be their child’s role model. Having their little ones look to them for support, love and guidance provides parents with an overwhelming sense of joy and pride.

Children need constant love and support from their parents. Sometimes they desire to be tucked into bed at night or have someone read their favorite book with them. There are times where all they want is to have you close and times they choose to play.

Your child needs you, loves you and wants you to be a huge part of their everyday lives. Be there for your children and give them these eight simple things; you will ensure a stronger and happier relationship with your child if you do just that.

Have one-on-one time

Life is busy. You have hungry mouths to feed, laundry to do and a schedule to keep, but a child notices when their parent puts aside their tasks to spend a little one-on-one time with them. The attention you give your child proves you care about them and that they are a priority to you. Take the time to play trains with your toddler or read them a bedtime story.

Turn off your phone

Limit screen time. It is easy to get wrapped up in the social temptations at your fingertips, but avoid it. Step away from checking emails and scrolling through your Facebook feed to play with your kids. You set the tone and example your children will grow to emulate: do you really want your child to grow up addicted to a screen?

Be affectionate

Your child loves to see their parents hug and kiss each other. The subtle displays of affection allow them to see and understand the importance of centering a family on a foundation of love. Being affectionate and compassionate will help your children embrace and support the people around them.

Lend a listening ear

A child often gets excited when they can to tell you about their day. They love to share every detail and then tell you the same story 100 times because it is extremely important to them. No matter what they are rambling about, or how many times you have heard about the character in the book they are reading, listen. Your ability to be a confidant for the small details in your child’s life will encourage them to come back to you for bigger and more substantial events that will occur in their lives.


Although it is difficult to see your children upset, sometimes the best thing a parent can do for their child is to show them tough love. Saying “no” to your child or disciplining them once they have stepped across pre-established boundaries will be hard in the moment. However, over time, your child will be able to recognize the decision was made out of love.


Every child needs support, hugs and kisses. The happy hormone Oxytocin is released in the human body when it feels loved. Psychologist Darcia Narvaez described the importance of nurturing children young and often as a sure-fire way to increase their ability to be kind and compassionate toward their fellow beings.

Laugh with them

Joking around, giggling, playing funny games and being silly is good for your little ones and you as well. A lighthearted mood and day filled with bellyaching laughs and non-stop banter will help create a happy and loving home for your children to enjoy.

Say “I love you”

A parent that constantly reminds their child they love them and appreciate them is establishing a relationship that will withstand the test of time. The three words provide stability and trust, two important things every child needs.

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