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Cosmetics Use Accelerates Surgery Cases On Expectant Mothers

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Wednesday, August 24th, 2016
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 Use of cosmetics, particularly those containing deadly chemicals, has been linked to increased cases of surgery on expectant mothers in labour rooms, it has been learnt.


The women with the attitude of visiting beauty parlous and drug stores have been strongly warned against the habit and should stop immediately.

Medical experts here have pointed out that despite the outlawing of dangerous beauty creams, soaps containing deadly chemicals such as Mercury, Hydroquinone and Steroids many more women, especially young ladies will suffer in future.

“Steroids affect uterus and Fallopian tubes, also known as, uterine tubes, and salpinges and the clotting of these that make it difficult for expectant mothers during baby delivering forcing them undergo caesarean section,” noted Doctor Veronica Mollel, a dermatologist at Kaloleni Hospital in Arusha.

That is in addition to the already major health problem of skin and liver infections also reportedly caused by intoxicating ingredients of skin bleaching and lightening agents found in many creams, soaps, lotions and beauty tonics.

Dr Mollel said of late there has been an increase of caesarean sections in delivery rooms as most ladies seem to be affected by the chemicals whose usage have gone past the skin damaging stage into womb and tube shattering consequences.

“There is possibility of miscarriage caused by overuse of deadly chemicals that make the uterus to become too soft and susceptible to damage thus destroying the foetus,” said Dr Mollel.

The medical expert said sometimes the deadly chemicals affect even the unborn child causing serious health problems once the baby is delivered. Tanzania has banned the use of ointments, lotions, creams and soaps containing Steroids, Mercury and Hydroquinone and the Tanzania Foods and Drugs Authority (TFDA) have been making regular inspections of beauty parlours, cosmetics stores and other outlets, yet the problem still persists.

The Northern Zone’s TFDA manager, Mr Damas Matiko, said while such products have been banned in Tanzania, the chemicals are still in use around neighbouring countries like Kenya, Uganda and Zambia and this makes it difficult for authorities to effectively control their infiltration into Tanzania.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) warns that using mercury for a long term can also damage the kidneys and the nervous system while on the other hand cause depression or psychosis and interfere with the development of the brain in unborn children and very young children.

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