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Zimbabwe: Town Clerk Sued For Sexual Harassment

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Wednesday, July 13th, 2016
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Former Chitungwiza Municipality chamber secretary Ms Pricilla Vengesai has taken her former boss, town clerk Mr George Makunde to court claiming $20 000 in sexual harassment damages.

Ms Vengesai alleges that Mr Makunde made sexual advances on her on numerous occasions taking advantage of his senior position in council.

In her claim filed at the High Court and served to Mr Makunde’s lawyers yesterday, Ms Vengesai alleges that Mr Makunde dismissed her after she resisted his proposals.

“The defendant (Mr Makunde) has on numerous occasions made sexual advances through his gestures and verbal utterances towards the plaintiff (Ms Vengesai) taking advantage of his superior position at their workplace during the period between June 2012 and July 2015,” read the papers.

“During the plaintiff’s employment at the Chitungwiza Municipality, the defendant (Mr Makunde) had frustrated her by not giving her all benefits and salary and he ultimately dismissed her through barbaric means, this the defendant did to make the plaintiff pay for not giving in to his sexual moves.”

Ms Vengesai further claims that as a result, her fame, dignity and livelihood were irreparably damaged and her womanhood attacked such that the only remedy available to her were damages amounting to $20 000.

Mr Makunde’s lawyers, Matsikidze and Mucheche, are required to respond to the summons within 10 days.

Ms Vengesai became the chamber secretary for the municipality in 2012 and was sacked in September last year after she was found guilty on charges of conducting herself in a manner inconsistent with the conditions of her contract.

Before her dismissal, Ms Vengesai was suspended in August following accusations that she had mobilised councillors to pass a vote of no confidence on her superiors.

The allegations were that she wanted to topple Chitungwiza Mayor Mr Phillip Mutoti and his deputy when she called for a special meeting to tackle important issues affecting the council.

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