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#EgyptAir: French President Confirms Plane Crash

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Thursday, May 19th, 2016
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French President, François Hollande, has confirmed that the missing EgyptAir MS804 flight actually crashed.

The plane is believed to have crashed into the Mediterranean sea between Egypt and Greek.

According the UK Guardian, the Hollande issued the confirmation while speaking at a press conference.

Hollande said: “It was feared that this plane had crashed. The information that we have managed to gather confirm alas that this plane has crashed, and it has disappeared. 66 passengers were on board, including the crew and security personnel. Among the passengers there were 15 French citizens. A crisis cell was actioned immediately.”

“Alongside the Egyptian authorities we are making sure that all the families should be informed during this test. Our thoughts and solidarity and compassion are with them.”

“We have a duty to know everything about the causes of what happened. No hypothesis should be ruled out. Everything should be put at the disposal of the Greek and Egyptian authorities so that we can liaise with them. We have to send them ships and planes to find where the plane crashed, and to do whatever we can to collect the debris. That will allow us to find the truth.”

“It could be a terrorist hypothesis but at this stage we should express our solidarity to the families and to find out the cause of the catastrophe. We will find the truth.”

Speaking on the missing plane, the head of Greece’s air traffic controllers board, Serafeim Petrou, said that the plane has crashed, saying that “I consider it a fact that the plane has crashed. There is no chance of it still being in the air. Most probably, and very unfortunately, it is at the bottom of the sea.”

“It did not give any vocal or electronic signal before it disappeared.”

Speaking on the cause of the crash, the Grecian air official said “Nothing can be excluded.”

“An explosion could be a possibility but, then, so could damage to the fuselage. I think at this point we are talking about wreckage, wreckage at the bottom of the sea and tracing the cause is going to take time.”

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