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Israeli Authorities Free Youngest Palestinian Girl Prisoner

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Friday, April 29th, 2016
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During the past few months, the village of Halhul, near the southern West Bank, has been marred by violence.

But on Sunday, about 80 family members gathered with banners and music to welcome back the newly freed 12-year-old Dima al-Wawi, who spent more than a month in prison.

Dima is believed to be the youngest Palestinian ever imprisoned by Israel throughout the conflict between both sides.

“I am happy to be out. Prison is bad,” Dima said in an interview. “During my time in prison I missed my classmates and my friends and family.”

Israel authorities captured Dima in February near the West Bank settlement of Carmei Tsur, a Jewish community. She was allegedly holding a knife underneath her school uniform and intended to stab a security guard, though she was quickly apprehended.

The case is just one of many in the violent attacks between Israel and Palestine.

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