Tomorrow 14th of April will make it exactly 2 years since the 276 girls were kidnapped from Chibok secondary School in Borno State, Nigeria. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since this incidence that is perhaps the reason the last government was ousted from office. Although the theme of this year’s remembrance of the incidence borders around keeping ‘Hope’ alive, one will be not be far from the truth to decribe the actually feelings of Nigerians as mixed on the possibility of rescuing the girls alive. However, ‘Hope’ should perhaps be kept alive in view of the recent videos released showing 15 of the kidnapped girls alive and in good condition.
This is how CNN is reporting the news ;
“They were stolen from their beds in a school dormitory: hundreds of teenage girls kidnapped by gunmen.

One by one, each girl calmly states her name and explains that she was taken from Chibok Government Secondary School. Only the occasional hesitation betrays a flicker of fear and emotion.
As the two minute clip comes to an end, one of the girls, Naomi Zakaria, makes a final — apparently scripted — appeal to whoever is watching, urging the Nigerian authorities to help reunite the girls with their families.
“I am speaking on 25 December 2015, on behalf of the all the Chibok girls and we are all well,” she says, stressing the word “all.” Her intonation seems to imply that the 15 teens seen in the video have been chosen to represent the group as a whole.
The date given by Naomi matches information embedded in the video, suggesting it was filmed on Christmas Day, though whether that’s true or whether the day was picked deliberately is unknown.
Most of the 276 girls taken from Chibok on April 14, 2014 were Christian. They are believed to have been forced to convert to Islam by their terrorist captors.
Classmate’s lucky escape
Two years of pain