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24 Practical Ways To Motivate Yourself

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Sunday, April 3rd, 2016
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“There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.”

—Ray Goforth

“Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.”

–Jim Ryun

Somewhere I can relate to this question very well because ‘sometime’ I feel in the same way, there are certain things that we cannot rid of completely such as feeling lazy or demotivated, but, of course, we can always choose to make a difference. There are some ways that I applied to get motivated in my life. I hope it will work for you also.

Don’t Compare Yourself With Others: Stop being, comparing yourself all the time, like who is best in your niche, you cannot become like them in one day or one month, it takes time and a lot of hard work. They reached that spot by their hard work, patient and spending those days, which you’re spending now. Irrespective of comparing yourself, work in those ways which can improve your skills like them.

“Comparison is the death of joy.”
― Mark Twain

One work at a time: Trying to accomplish the whole task at once, can easily kill your motivation, you may feel lazy after some time, it’s best to switch that mood to doing the same work partly.

Dream Of It: Until you get motivation for the work, always dream of that time when you will accomplish that task. How you will feel free after that, no burden on your neck. You can spend your free time to playing X-Box also.

Read Motivational Stories: Read success stories, biographies, try to understand them closely, how they fight with their odds, how things change for them gradually,  How they maintain their success, and above all how they motivate themselves.

Cut Down All The Distractions: Turn off your Television, and social sites for a while. These types of things always put a negative impact on you and increase your stress level. Focus only on the task you’re doing.

Start A Little Bit Self-Talk To You: What do I do most of the times when I feel disconnect with the task? I started doing walk for a while, I watch the trees and the birds, I talk to myself, and, really it’s not an idiotic thing at all, I often ask myself some questions.

What if I have not done my work?

What impact it can make?

How will I be beneficial in the near future from this task?

This type of self-interrogative question helps me to focus.

Set A Dead Line: How much time you want to give yourself to accomplish that task? Use a timer to set a deadline for that. You may not be able to complete that task, but at least, you will start doing that.

Do What You Love: When you love something, we don’t need any motivation to do that, like a kid, he loves to watch cartoons; he doesn’t want any motivation for that, he just loved it. Find your one, what you love the most; what keeps you going.

“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

— Steve Jobs

Fear Of Failure And Criticism: Instead of fearing about failure and criticism start using them for your progress, I never see criticism as a bad thing. I feel it’s better to get criticize than to be praised for none. Improve yourself each day, this is the most important part; do not repeat the mistake that you had done in your past. Learn from it.  

“To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”
― Aristotle

Small habit Changes: Little changes can make a big difference in your life, choosing to live a healthy life, rising in the morning, drinking plenty of water.

Saying No To Negativity: Living with a negative approach always leads you to the dead-end of darkness. Always try to keep yourself away from the negativity. As Eleanor Roosevelt wrote on that, “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.”

Pick The Toughest One: Always pick the hardest task at the first point, you will feel fresh to commit yourself to that work, and it will also boost your self-confidence.

Blessed Yourself: Reward yourself with something that you love, it will encourage you to engage with your work. You will be able to make fun out of your work.

Take Worry Breaks: Take some time for yourself, think about the problems, and write it down. Analyze it and find the source of it.

Mindfulness:  Practice Meditation and yoga in the morning times, meditation keeps your mind cool. Increases your concentrate power, you can do your task quickly with full of energy and motivation.


“The mind can go in a thousand directions, but on this beautiful path, I walk in peace. With each step, the wind blows. With each step, a flower blooms.” -,  Thich Nhat Hanh

Listen To Music: Music is the greatest remedy. Listen to soft music, classical.

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”
― Friedrich Nietzsche

Be A Part Of A Voluntary Work: Help your society to grow, do some social works, It will help you to be grounded. You will be able to understand how fortunate you are, you will feel more enthusiastic and more confident about your life.

Do Something That Matters: Things that are easy to accomplish shall never give you the fruit of success. Those who handle the hardships they shine among us all, great works never went unnoticed. Believe in yourself, believe in your strength.

Change Your Thought: As Norman Vincent Peale wrote: “Change your thoughts and you change your world.” Start your every work through affirmative words, like I can do that. I will accomplish this task within the time frame. A Positive mindset boosts your willpower.

Visualize The Big Picture:  What you want to achieve depends on how you want to achieve it. Grow yourself for the biggest platform, once in a while if you fall a short you will surely achieve something new.

Live In the Present Moment:  Forget about the result, do the task wholeheartedly. Give your 100 percent into it. Live in that moment. Then you will surely get what you deserve.

Be A Dreamer With Realistic Thoughts: Don’t set your goals too high, otherwise, you will fall a short. Being a visionary is not a bad thing. But you should have a perfect plan for that. With small steps, you can accomplish anything. But don’t forget the reality.

Get Rid Of Your Past: You may have messed a lot of things in your past, but don’t allow your future to be affected for that, forget those all failures in your past and only focus on your present your current work.

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.

-Soren Kierkegaard

Value Your Time: Time is the most crucial part. Every second of it is important. Utilize it well. Otherwise, someone else will take your spot.

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”

― Mother Teresa



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