Friday, February 14th, 2025


LOUD WHISPERS: Women Are Not Beasts

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Friday, February 26th, 2016


‘We have too many women reading too much meaning into everything and agitating about anything, like the television commercial in which a joyous father of a newborn yells into his mobile phone’s mouthpiece; ‘Mama na boy o’. To them, such an advert constitutes an offensive patriarchal mindset’.
‘To be a feminist, if not a defect, is at least a fetish; like porn. The feminist is that woman who dulls down to an artificially created set of sexual-political sensibilities, in order to satisfy her emotional lust for being perpetually ‘oppressed’………like porn addicts, paedophiles, rapists and racists, such woman is an emotion junkie – infinitely handicapped yet propelled by her lust for unearned benefits……’.
‘Feminism can not exist without man-hating and that is the cold-hard truth’
‘Blaming socialization for women’s predicament constitutes the worst of feminist claptrap’

And it goes on and on. There is a Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3. The first time I read this very troubling rant by Olatunji Ololade against feminists/women’s rights advocates was three or four years ago when it was serialized in The Nation, a leading national newspaper  in Nigeria. I think one of two things must have happened. First scenario – Olatunji probably got so many horrified responses from women, it gave him a serious high which took him a long time to come down from, hence the need for another shot of adrenaline. The second possibility is that he did not get enough  push back the first time, so he became emboldened and decided to up the ante.

In the interim, Olatunji became an award-winning writer, receiving CNN Multi Choice African Journalist awards back to back, as well as other local ones. Of course we are always proud of our fellow country men and women when they bring home well deserved laurels, it is great to have something to celebrate about Nigerians other than news about us being perpetual scoundrels.

Full article in Loud Whispers cover final


PS: If you want to win another award this year, don’t call women beasts!

Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi is a Feminist Activist, Social Entrepreneur and Writer. She is the Founder of, an online community for women. She can be reached at

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3 Responses

  1. If only we would read objectively, we wouldn’t need to write down but Write up and impact knowledge. Thanks ma’am, this is a lot of ‘up-writing!’. I would urge Mr Ololade to learn constructively.

  2. At this point in life, it’s important to know that if you don’t learn to Learn, you will be relegated no matter the recognition you are given. Mr. Ololade should better learn and be updated in thinking.we aren’t using analogues anymore. #women are certainly no Beasts#

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