Tuesday, February 18th, 2025


African Leadership Center (ALC) Peace and Security Fellowships for African Scholars 2016-17

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Monday, February 1st, 2016
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Deadline: March 18, 2016

The African Leadership Center (ALC) is now accepting applications for the Peace, Security and Development Fellowships for African Scholars starting in September 2016. The programme seeks to nurture junior African Scholars interested in pursuing a career in Peace, Security & Development, and to equip them with the skills necessary to achieve this.  The Fellowship is a postgraduate degree programme, and does not lead to an academic qualification.

This Fellowship covers an 18-month period, comprising a rigorous training programme on peace, security and development, which includes a 12-Month MSc programme at King’s College London and a six-month attachment to an African University to undertake an independent research project. The Carnegie Corporation of New York has provided funding for this programme.

Fellowship Benefits and Cost

Successful applicants will have the status of full time MSc students in Security, Leadership and Society.

This is a fully funded opportunity, not including any visa application and processing costs. Funds will be made available to cover tuition, subsistence in the UK and Africa, accommodation, research-related costs, and all travel expenses related to the programme.

However, successful applicants are expected to find their own accommodation both in the UK and Africa. In the UK successful candidates will be able to apply for University of London accommodation, and they can also make their own accommodation arrangements.

Also see the Fellowship Terms


  • In order to be considered eligible, candidates must have citizenship in an African country.
  • Successful candidates must hold valid travel documents prior to acceptance.
  • The competition is open only to junior faculty members based in universities in Africa from departments of political science; international relations; history, law, development studies, peace, security and conflict studies, and related departments.
  • Candidates need to demonstrate an interest in pursuing careers in the field of Peace, Security and Development. Previous study or engagement with the issues of Security & Development is not required however candidates must demonstrate a basic familiarity with these issues. Candidates must additionally be able to demonstrate that they are committed to contributing to work on peace and security in Africa.
  • Candidates will be expected to have a clear plan on how to utilise knowledge gained in the Fellowship upon returning to their countries and academic institutions.
  • Candidates must be fluent in spoken and written English.
  • Candidates must be able to demonstrate the following values during the application phase: Independent thinking; Integrity; Pursuit of excellence; and a value for all forms of diversity.


Applications must be made through the Online Application System

Ensure the following documents are attached in PDF format.

  • A letter of application detailing your relevant experience and qualifications.
  • A supporting statement no longer than 1,000 words, detailing why you think that this programme is important and future plans for engagement with peace and security issues.
  • 2 letters of recommendation (after you submit names and contacts of referees, they will receive an email asking them to submit the reference using our online system. These references received directly from the Referees must be received by the deadline of 17:00 hrs, Friday 18 March, 2016).
  • Recent curriculum vitae.
  • Two writing samples (maximum 3000 words each).

Please indicate in your application letter, if you have completed the University application.

Please note that the MSc is a separate but parallel application procedure handled by King’s College London, rather than ALC. To be accepted on to the Fellowship, applicants must be accepted on both the MSc programme by King’s and the Fellowship Programme by ALC.

For more information, visit ALC Fellowships for African Scholars

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