Saturday, July 27th, 2024

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Namaste Wahala

Watching Namaste Wahala got me thinking about how nonprofits are seen by individuals as a hobby and not a career. Getting on Netflix, I was excited to click on Namaste Wahala having heard about it online and from a friend. Little did I know the movie has some plot around the sector I have come […]

When and what time is best to get married?

This article was inspired by this question as asked by one of my young friends on his Facebook page and I was fired up to write about the time I think a man should get married tapping into my anecdotal research findings on the topic. Here are the indicators for when a man is ripe […]

Lessons from my Ex

Public service announcement: this note is to my ex from the day I started toasting ladies to when I got married. I hope this announcement clarifies any trouble that may arise. I am sure someone is already wondering why he is writing to his ex. What is even the plural for ex? Wo (look), I […]

‘Off The Mic, Honourable Adviser’

But let me get this straight, what do fathers, mothers, aunties and neighbours think when they tell single ladies or guys about why they need to get married and the fact that they are not getting any younger. What exactly do they think marriage is? Are they paying attention to any lessons from their own […]

Erelu Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi

It is often difficult for the spouse of many political office holders to transcend their roles when they speak. After all, it is their position (as wife or husband) that puts them behind the microphone in the first place. And when an icon like Erelu Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi is invited to your event two things will […]

What Two Girls Taught Me About Love and Hatred

I love children, anyone close to me enough knows I do, and I respect them a lot. In fact, my plan is to have 1000 children when God’s kingdom comes—what will I be using my energies for then, when everything will be perfect! However, 2 girls ages 6 and 4 as at 2019 (I hope […]

The Many Troubles Of A Firstborn (Part 2)

Sibling rivalry is real. It gets escalated when all are married. Wisdom is required by parents to manage it. Firstborns especially have a role in ensuring that things do not escalate to a stage where the children are involved. Secondborns often times are arrogant and want to ride on the firstborn. Humility, wisdom, patience and […]

Men We Have a Problem!

E yin daddy wa a ti ni problem o (Our daddy’s we have a problem), before you say I reject it in Jesus/Allah or Obatala’s name, let me conclude. Remember one of my articles where I mentioned a research I carried out, asking around 5000 adolescents about whom they want to die first between their […]

Daddy and Mummy why are you hoarding beverages?

If while growing up, beverages were hidden by your parents and only brought out on weekends, when it rains, and daddy wants to drink tea, or the pot of stew is under the bed closely monitored by either your dad or mom. If during the festive period, the fried meat or chicken are taken to […]

Less Than 72hrs in Her Shoes

First, whoever says the place of a woman is in the kitchen seriously needs a rethink.  I won’t say more! Over the weekend I had to “babysit” an 8-year-old going to 9- Friday through Sunday. You know what that means? Let me tell you. It means I must do the dishes, bath him, prepare breakfast, […]

The Many Sufferings Of A Firstborn

Before his/her arrival, most couple are in high expectations, with any little delay in getting pregnant raising anxiety. At the sight of the protruding belly, friends, families, relatives and colleagues are happy. After 9 months when the bundle of joy finally gets here the joy of everyone related to the couple will be full as […]

Thinking Through The 50,000 Naira Debate

Whoever started the online conversation asking ladies not to marry a man earning 50,000 Naira as salary per month must have called for the wrath of many while also enjoying the support of some who could make sense out of his or her argument.  Yours truly is neutral! I have read many arguments for and […]

The “Blue Bread”

“ED, this office seems not to be gender sensitive, we have tissue papers but there are no sanitary pads for women” a female colleague said in passing. Hearing this I said what do you mean? Then about 5 ladies pounced on me saying “yes ED we need sanitary pads”. While my brain was still trying […]

What is This Nonsense About Marriage?

One is continuously amazed at the things happening these days all because of marriage. Now don’t get me wrong marriage is good if you are emotionally, spiritually and financially matured for it. I have chosen those adjectives carefully following my nearly 10 years’ experience in marriage and I agree its not long enough for me […]

The Man Who Taught Me How To “Gbe Agbara Si Le” (Relinquish Power)

IT was a private reading for a book launch. I have been invited to listen to the author as she reads from some of her writings on different issues. What an honour to have been invited to such an important occasion that had Nigeria’s richest, best and finest in attendance. There was glam everywhere with […]