Saturday, July 27th, 2024

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World Vision Malawi Gives Flood-Affected Families Relief

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February 5, 2019

Rapid Response Seeks U.S.$25.5m To Reach Civilians Displaced By Inter-Communal Violence

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January 14, 2019
africaTech November 10, 2018 / 1:42 PM / Updated a day ago Current Ebola outbreak is worst in Congo's history - ministry 2 Min Read A Congolese health worker administers Ebola vaccine to a woman who had contact with an Ebola sufferer in the village of Mangina in North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, August 18, 2018. REUTERS/Olivia Acland

OXFAM Forced To Suspend Ebola Response In DR Congo Following Pre-Election Violence

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January 4, 2019

Charities Work To Brighten Malawi Girls’ Future

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December 23, 2018
Rehema, right and friends at school all on KIND scholarships. Photo: UNICEF USA

UNICEF Procures 4.7 Million Textbooks For Zimbabwe Primary And Secondary School Children

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December 10, 2018

Shell Donates Relief Materials To Flood Victims In NigerDelta

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November 26, 2018

KZN Man Walks 50km To ‘Feed A Child, Feed A Nation’

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November 16, 2018

Humanitarian Groups Seek Ways To Reduce Attacks On Aid Workers

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November 2, 2018

Aid And Few Others Killed By Boko Haram

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October 24, 2018

UN Helps ‘380 Mudslide Victims’ In Jebel Marra, Sudan

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October 8, 2018

Millions Of Refugee Children Are Out Of School

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September 3, 2018

160 Ugandan Police Officers Leave Mogadishu

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August 13, 2018

South Sudan – One Of The Worst Places To Be A Child

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August 4, 2018

The North Dafur Food Crisis

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July 24, 2018

School Ban On Expectant Teens ‘Skewed’ Against Girls’ Education

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July 9, 2018