Saturday, July 27th, 2024

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How Young Nigerians’ Distrust of Political Leaders Fuels Covid Misinformation

Ever since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global public health emergency in January 2020, there’s been a need for studies that help explain what people understand by public health messages. Research into the nuances of communication is especially important when conspiracy theories and misleading rumours about the pandemic are in circulation. Misinformation can […]

Curbing The Tide of Violent Extremism Needs Women’s Voices and Inclusion

On 23 May 2017, the city of Marawi, Philippines, a bustling city In the southern island of Mindanao , was taken over by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL/ISIS)-aligned forces. The ensuing five-month-long armed conflict displaced nearly 400,000 people from the area. The siege had devastating and lasting consequences for the community, […]

Can Muslim Feminism Find a Third Way?

RABAT, Morocco — Last month, Asma Lamrabet, a well-known Moroccan feminist, resigned from her position at the Mohammedan League of Scholars, where she headed a center of women’s studies in Islam. She was pushed to resign, she explained in a statement, by the backlash over her support for a demand that remains controversial in the […]

Daily Acts Of Feminism: Seek Out Feminist Heroes

At its core, feminism is about fighting for women’s equality and there are a number of women who have been pushing forward the fight for decades. From well-known and influential women from years gone by, to modern-day champions, our history is full of feminist heroes. Educating ourselves and learning more about these trailblazing women will […]

We Cannot Be Silent On ‘Honour-Based’ Violence

Conservative MP Nusrat Ghani has brought forward a motion that certain crimes against women should no longer be described in relation to ‘honour’. Her rationale sounds reasonable – that describing these crimes differently has meant that police have been treating them as less serious; that they have been avoiding dealing with these crimes due to […]

Gender Equality Can Save Women’s Lives In Disasters

Later this month, the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) will take place in Mexico. This meeting provides an important opportunity to reboot global progress on embedding gender equality in disaster risk management and to redress deadly exclusion. Even though the quality of disaggregated data needs to be improved, research shows that women and […]

Unleashing The Potential Of Africa’s Youth

Empowering Africa’s youth is one of the most serious challenges facing the African continent today. Although many African countries are experiencing an economic boom, youth empowerment in Africa is at a crisis stage. While we have made great strides in providing access to education, we have not matched this with providing equal access to employment. […]

Immoral Hazard: The Gender Inequality Of Risk

  Whilst the international media reported that over 800 people died in Haiti due to the impact of the recent Hurricane Matthew, a gender breakdown was not given even though your chances of surviving a natural disaster often depends on your sex. This inequality of risk is increasingly important in a world of more frequent […]