Sunday, September 8th, 2024

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Perfect Love

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Wednesday, August 9th, 2023
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Fear is a destructive bondage. Fear paralyzes you and prevents you from fulfilling the amazing destiny that God has for you. Fear makes you feel inadequate and insecure, and comes with unhealthy side effects ranging from panic attacks to sleep disorders.

Fear is irrational. Fear is a spiritual condition, which is why you can’t reason fear away. You can’t simply tell someone who is struggling with fear and gripped by panic attacks to just stop being fearful.

A spiritual condition cannot be remedied naturally. Fear can be eradicated only by a personal encounter with the person of Jesus. Beloved, if what I just described about fear is all too familiar to you, I want you to know that it is not your heavenly Father’s heart for you to live tormented by fear. There is no fear in God’s love. His perfect love drives out all fears.

I don’t know if you have ever experienced God’s love, but my desire is that TODAY you will catch a revelation of His love for you in a deep and personal way. And as His love floods your heart, I pray that every fear that has you bound will forever be cast out of your life.

John 3:16 clearly proclaims that God SO loves you. And if you only knew how much He esteems and treasures His beloved Son, you would catch a glimpse of how much He loves you, because He gave up His Son for you.
That is why I preach and write about the gospel of grace. The gospel of grace is all about unveiling God’s perfect love—a love whose length and depth and height were demonstrated at the cross. 

A love that gave up the Son of God as a sacrifice.  A love that bore your sins and mine so that we can receive His everlasting life and live free of any bondage.
The more you immerse and anchor your heart on God’s perfect and unconditional love for you, the more fear will lose its hold on your life.

Bible references.,1John 4:18, John 3:16, Isaiah 53:4.

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