Someone asked me some hours back… ‘How are you?’ and my response was… I am not fine. We are not fine. Have you seen what’s been up on social media? have you seen how people are being killed? young women and girls? There have been so many sad hashtags online. Some days back, a happy trigger police officer, shot at a young girl who eventually died. Another young studious girl was taken away from us in Benin, she was studying in church when these rapists came for her, raped her and murdered her. So, where is safe? In the United States, there have been protests against white supremacists. Cops have been killing black people for no reasons. It is alarming. The height of wickedness in the world is very alarming. Jennifer, a young girl was raped by 11 men in southern Kaduna. What is going on? The more we try to take this off us by doing numerous campaigns, the sadder it gets. I think we aren’t doing something right and it comes from the homes. Can we stop for a second to train our boys? Can we? Can parents start teaching boys to respect the bodies of women? This is why we are where we are today. The society always has a rule for women and leaves the men out and now, these men have come out to be a thorn in the flesh of women, and the society at large. We are not fine. Something is wrong and we need to fix it.