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Traits To Teach Your Children

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Monday, September 3rd, 2018
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aging parents

Parenting is one of the most difficult jobs any person can approach. Children come with unique personalities and characteristics. Finding the perfect balance of discipline while establishing a positive relationship with your child is an art. Parents must be aware of and adapt to a child’s age-related behavior as they grow and develop.

A successful parent is difficult to define, but certain behaviors children display speak volumes about how they are raised. Effective parenting fosters the following character traits:

1. Honesty

A child who is taught to be honest will not take advantage of others. They contribute to society and earn their living honorably. Respect and trust for your child are reciprocated when sincere. Teach them about money while they are young, giving allowances and help them develop financial integrity. Encourage them to always tell the truth.

2. Self-control

Teaching a child to control their emotions is one of the most difficult undertakings. Anger tempered with acceptance and love can help a child deal with disappointments in a healthy way. Effective parents teach a child to use words rather than physical aggression in difficult situations. They set parameters and help children work within them.

3. Self-reliance

Parents need to teach a child how to work when they are very young. If they are given age-appropriate chores that they expected to do on a daily basis, they will be better prepared to face the future.

Teach them to organize, cook, take care of their belongings and other essential responsibilities they will need when they leave home.

4. Intellectual curiosity

Parents who give their children many opportunities to learn new things will thirst for knowledge. Include visits to museums, libraries, attending performing art concerts, and other culturally and intellectually stimulating venues. Make good books and informative media available to them.

5. Trust

Children who have a trusting relationship with their parents will share their dreams and wishes. Their father and mother listen to their opinions rather than ignoring them. Their parents help them discover what they excel at and support them in their endeavors. Children are encouraged to join social groups that will feed their desire to achieve.

6. Empathy

This trait is best learned by children observing their parents and other adults. Mothers and fathers who show concern for others who are sick or in need of help are the best examples of empathy. Give service to local charities. Teach your children not to judge or be condescending. Let them experience other races and cultures so they can learn compassion.

7. Kindness

Children that learn to get along well with their siblings will be less likely to mistreat others including their future spouses. Parents teach a child to be humble and do their share without complaint. If an argument ensues, parents can redirect their feelings towards kindness. Show courtesy and politeness when speaking to a child. Your relationship with your child is the foundation for their relationship with others.

8. Cheerfulness

Positive homes rear cheerful people. Children who are nurtured with happy parents learn gratitude. They look for the good in life rather than feeling sad and despondent. Uplifting music
can set the tone for the home. Sharing successes can uplift and inspire. Be consistent and do not allow bickering, rudeness, nagging or complaining to be acceptable behavior.

9. Cooperation

Parents who establish a set of rules for their home will help manage a child’s behavior. Children should be accountable to their parents and communicate where they are, who they are with and what they will be doing each day. As the child matures, they can make more choices on their own. This way they feel that they are trusted and respected. A child’s friends can influence them to do good or bad. Help them choose friends wisely.

10. Achievement

Keeping expectations high will help the child reach to achieve in school and in society. Teach them how to handle disappointments and to pick themselves up and carry on. Be their biggest cheerleader. Praise them when it is appropriate and show your appreciation for their achievements.

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