In continuation of their ongoing efforts to rout Boko Haram terrorists in its area of responsibility, troops of 7 Brigade Special Forces, 8 Task Force Division have dislodged terrorists who have been gathering in Dawashi Gari village, in an area bordering the Lake Chad.
In an engagement yesterday morning, soldiers of the division killed four terrorists, while others fled, abandoning their motorcycles, which were recovered and destroyed, to prevent their being used to perpetrate terror on innocent villagers.
Similarly, as part of the theater wide and ongoing clearance operations, troops of 145 Battalion, 5 Brigade, 8 Task Force Division have cleared Gashigar, Asaga, Bukarti and neighbouring villages.
In the process, troops made contact with terrorists in Kanama village and killed two terrorists, arrested two more, while one AK 47 rifle, four magazines and four motorcycles were recovered.