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MAKING IT BETTER: Best Wishes For The New Year!

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Saturday, January 7th, 2017

Happy 2017 dear readers! It’s good to be back with you again in this New Year. I hope you had a soft, peaceful entry into the year and I pray this continues throughout 2017, in addition to whatever else you might require to give you and your loved ones the best possible year.

I am excited at what wonders, challenges and journey 2017 will bring to me and take me on respectively, and I am particularly looking forward to spending quality time with all of you wonderful readers!

As I sat in the sauna at my local gym (it’s really not as glamorous as it sounds!) contemplating how really effective the torture I was subjecting myself to was, I came to the light bulb over the head conclusion how I truly wanted to negotiate my way through 2017.

One of the benefits of being in the sauna is there is really nothing else to do so you are more or less left with you, yourself and you. You are in this partial state of undress, vulnerable, stripped of all the external beauty applications you might ordinarily apply. All you really have is the sensations you experience from the heat being generated in your environment and your body and your thoughts. I find it to be very effective in directing all my mental, spiritual, emotional energies into a central focus point where I am deeply connected and can engage with it.

I have friends who say they find that particular level of intimacy with themselves far too intimidating and cannot bear it. Some leave after 5 or at most 10mins. Not me, I like to cook for at least half an hour, then I start feeling sorry for myself as the heat intensifies, then just when I think I can’t do it anymore, the heat cuts off and I get relief and my body feels lighter and energised and I feel good about myself and my perseverance.

I was thinking during my last visit that the mental process I go through in the sauna is sort of how I think of things at times outside of the sauna. In other words I go through these periods when I can feel almost hysterical, disappointed, even despairing at times about certain things and just when I think either I’ve had enough, can’t cope, decide giving up; I find a new strength from within and without (friends, lives’ experiences) that give me a new perspective, new attitude and I power through the challenge.

So I am thinking, rather than going through all the negative thinking which sometimes causes me to make the situation or challenge more difficult than it needs to be, or its possible it may even cause me to miss opportunities that may never come back; I will endeavour to go straight to the that famous expression of …’this too shall pass’ which should bring me much quicker to that place of …glass half full.

I am committed to continuing and reinforcing those things I have identified as working for me. I am developing and working on new patterns of thoughts, creating better and new belief systems in myself. Most importantly I will foster stronger, healthier, more hopeful connections with my fellow human beings.

I thought I will start this column in 2017 much the same way as I ended the column last year, with prayers and affirmations. Please, I invite you to join and share with me. I also invite you to continue reading your favourite website, Above Whispers and to keep your supportive, intelligent and generous comments coming (we value all of them even if opposing). We also invite you to spread the word, if you have enjoyed what you experienced at Above Whispers, and let others know so they can also be a part of our family.

New Year prayers, supplications and affirmations

Lord, my ancestors, and all that is good in the world Bless my 2017

With love, joy, light, hope and peace

Bless my 2017 with grace, good health, and happiness

Bless my 2017 with kindness and service to humanity

Bless my 2017 with success and prosperity



I categorically state that this will be my year

I will make it so by starting a journal in which

I will write one positive thing that I experienced every day.

It could be as simple and as wonderful as:

  • Waking up
  • Laughing
  • Watching my children grow
  • Seeing the wonders of nature
  • Having food to eat
  • Enjoying and appreciating the company of authentic friends (even one!)
  • The list is endless…..then you can also include other significant blessings you receive. You will note after just a few months of how totally blessed you are. Remember it is only positive things you write in your journal and open your eyes to appreciate the very many blessings you are surrounded by that you my ordinarily take for granted.


May God supply our every need according to what is in our best interest and his plan for us.

May God bless us with the gift of friendship when we least expect it and when we are in most need of it

May God give us the wisdom and strength to truly understand that victory comes in many forms which may include knowing when to simply let go and let GOD really work in our lives.

May God remove from our lives friends, family and foes, as those relationships grow to be toxic and not good for our well being.


Let’s make a difference in 2017, in our individual lives, in the lives of others. The beauty of being human beings is that we can make changes for the best; we can strive to be better people every day we wake up. We just have to want to do it!

Gloria Ogunbadejo writes a weekly column for Punch Newspaper. She is a Psychotherapist, a life coach, a holistic counsellor and an ordained Minister

Permission to use quotations from this article is granted subject to appropriate credit being given to as the source.

As you engage, comment and discuss, Please abide by the in-house Code-of-Conduct  for Above Whispers Community. Thank you.

4 Responses

  1. I say Amen to all your prayers ma’am. I am going to make sure i enjoy my 2017. Give thanks always and all say this too shall pass when things are ugly. This is my year of Flourishing. Thank you ma’am.

  2. A very Big AMEN to all your prayers and well wishes ma.
    2017 is our year of pleasant surprises. Our time and season of testimonies.
    I will always make sure I appreciate God and draw closer to God this year. Try to reach out to my friends and offer the little help I can to those that needs it.

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