Perhaps there is just too much nonsense going on
Perhaps folks young and old are simply behaving badly
There are many things that do not add up
They might not all seem connected
Trust me, they are
Please help me understand
How an entire country was rendered ‘cashless’ because of new notes
How all old notes were mopped up and ‘burnt’
And then suddenly, all the old, wretched, smelly notes were resurrected from the ashes
And the new, crisp shiny notes have suddenly died
Please help me understand
The utter disrespect and abuse of revered elders
Elders are not always right
We cannot always agree with them
Yet it is not right to bare our teeth at them
It is shameful and irresponsible
We might have many clothes in our much-flaunted wardrobes
We will never have as many rags as them
And it is the rags that are evidence of a life well lived
Please help me understand
how a trainee Doctor ended up fatally butchering a pregnant woman
It happened in a State Specialist hospital
Where were his superiors?
Where was the required supervision?
Who is responsible when there are medical emergencies?
Now a cover-up is afoot
And a heartbroken widower is wondering how to care for a newborn and other children
Please help me understand
How, according to UNESCO, ‘the curriculum in Nigerian schools is outdated, overloaded and lacks present day development ‘.
Did we really need UNESCO to point this out to us?
Hope those asleep at the wheels of our education architecture wake up soon
Yes, the ones who want to ban Sex Education for example
Please help me understand
How can a mother give birth to a healthy baby
And be told by a nobody busybody that her baby ‘looks ugly’
And she proceeds to show the ‘transition’ of her ‘ugly baby’ to ‘pretty baby’ over time?
Was she not told by her own mother that she came out looking wrinkled and scrunched too?
What does an ‘ugly baby’ even mean?
Let her ask the untold number of women still on their knees waiting for God to hear their pleas
Please help me understand
Why any man or woman would record themselves having sex?
And they hope no one else will see the footage one day?
Sex tapes never end well, don’t let Kim Kardashian be your point of reference
Please help me understand
How you can send photographs of your ‘entry point’ to your supposed special person
Are you hoping that no one will know it belongs to you, so it does not matter?
As for you foolish enough to share your Banana
I am sure there are many who will recognise community property when they see it
Please help me understand
Why you owe rent of U$5,000 a year and you threw a party that cost you U$20,000?
You boasted to us about the latter and your landlord snidely told us of the former
Are you bad at choices, mathematics or investing? Perhaps all three?
It is none of my business
but the many people who look up to you as a ‘Motivational Speaker’ would like to know
Please help me understand
Why would you go out on a first date with a lady and expect her to ‘Collabo’ with you?
Why would you go out on a first date with a guy and mention that your rent is due?
Why would your son bring a girlfriend home for the first time and you send her to the kitchen to cook as a test?
Please help me understand
How would you go to a religious service
In search of serenity, solace and salvation
And leave after being divested of your money and phone by the visiting ‘Pastor’?
What part of the bible did he quote to make that possible?
Please help me understand
How can a boy drive a Lexus to his secondary school?
Cheered on by his excited classmates who are all lusting after his ‘accomplishment’
How, where did he get it?
Where are the parents of these children?
Where are the teachers?
Please help me understand
When I was young, we all had perky backsides which we used to flaunt proudly
and our mothers used to spank us for deliberately pushing out our behinds to show off
Now we have to ‘buy’ said backsides
Where did all those backsides go, did they skip generations?
Perhaps self-esteem needs to be sold as a commodity
Please help me understand
You ask a young person, ‘what do you do for a living?’ and they reply ‘Influencer’
Influencing who, what, how, where?
Real influencers have real jobs
Like successful entrepreneurship, professionals, sports, music, fashion, writing, public service, acting
You cannot be an influencer without influence
Please help me understand
Perhaps it is a new world
A new day
A world full of promise and opportunities
With informed and poor choices jostling for attention
Please help me understand
How to be in this new world
Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi is a Gender Specialist, Social Entrepreneur and Writer. She is the Founder of, an online community for women. She can be reached at
5 Responses
It’s just funny how we usually adapt to everything. I don’t understand either.
This is so thought-provoking ma’am
Funny but very true. This is the world we live in. Lot’s of lesson gained
I wish I could help you understand ma’am but most of us living in this new so called world is yet to understand too
This is the normal way of life for some people now.weird but true
This is really deep