President Cyril Ramaphosa has expressed his sincere appreciation to the private sector for the R128 million pledge by companies and organised business to help fight the scourge of Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) in South Africa.
The amount was raised during the launch of Gender-Based Violence and Femicide (GBVF) Response Fund 1 aimed at supporting the implementation of the National Strategic Plan (NSP), and the wider GBVF response in the country.
The President launched the fund last week together with the International Women’s Forum of South Africa and social partners.
A range of companies participated at the launch and pledged a total of R128 170 000 in contributions to the private-sector-led, multi-sectoral fund that will support the implementation of the National Strategic Plan (NSP). The NSP is South Africa’s roadmap to ending GBVF.
President Ramaphosa expressed his appreciation for resources from businesses and philanthropies, who are committed to social transformation, and were able to contribute.
“This commitment comes at a time of great economic difficulty which itself contributes to the hardship and vulnerability affecting women. It is an important contribution to improving the lives of women and girls in our society.
“The successful launch of the fund is a significant demonstration of the depth of social compacting in our society and the vision of a better South Africa shared by social partners,” President Ramaphosa said.
The President urged the private sector and philanthropies to support the fund, which will allocate financial support to the programmes that are based on the National Strategic Plan’s six pillars.
The six pillars of NSP include accountability, coordination and leadership; prevention and rebuilding social cohesion; justice, safety and protection; response, care, support and healing; economic power; and research and information management.
Accountability, coordination and leadership
Bold leadership strengthened accountability across government and society that responds to GBVF strategically with clear messaging and adequate technical and financial resources; and
Strengthened multi-sectoral coordination and collaboration across different tiers of government and sections of society based on relationships of trust that give effect to the pillars of the NSP.
Prevention and rebuilding social cohesion
Strengthened delivery capacity in South Africa to roll out evidence-based prevention programmes;
Changed behaviour and social norms within key groups as a result of the rollout of evidence-based prevention interventions;
Shifts away from toxic masculinities towards embracing positive alternative approaches for expressing masculinities and other sexual and gender identities, within specific communities/groups;
Optimally harnessed Violence Against Children (VAC) programmes that have an impact on GBV eradication;
Increased cross-fertilisation and integration of prevention interventions on violence against LGBTQIA+ persons with broader GBVF prevention and violence prevention interventions;
Strengthened programming that addresses the restoration of human dignity, builds caring communities and responds to historic and collective trauma; and
Public spaces are made safe and violent free for all, particularly women and children.
Justice, safety and protection
All GBV survivors are able to access efficient and sensitive criminal justice that is quick, accessible, responsive and gender-inclusive;
Strengthened capacity within the criminal justice system to address all impunity, effectively respond to femicide and facilitate justice for GBV survivors; and
Amended legislation related to GBV areas that build on legislative reforms initiated under the Emergency Response Action Plan.
Response, care, support and healing
Strengthened existing response, care and support services by the state and civil society in ways that are victim-centred and survivor-focused to facilitate recovery and healing;
Secondary victimisation is eliminated through addressing specific individual and systemic factors that drive it;
Victims feel supported by the system to access the necessary psychosocial, material and other support required to assist them with their healing; and
Strengthened community and institutional responses to provide integrated care and support to GBV survivors and their families that takes into account linkages between substance abuse and HIV and AIDS.
Economic power
Accelerated initiatives that address women’s unequal economic and social position, through access to government and private sector procurement, employment, housing, access to land, financial resources and other income-generating initiatives;
Safe workplaces that are free of violence against women and LGBTQIA+ persons, including but not limited to sexual harassment;
Demonstrated commitment through policy interventions, by the South African state, private sector and other key stakeholders, to eliminate the impact of economic drivers of GBV; and
Strengthened child maintenance and related support systems to address the economic vulnerability of women.
Research and information management
Improved understanding of the extent and nature of GBVF, broadly and in relation to specific groups and forms in South Africa;
Adoption of GBV policies and programming interventions that are informed by existing evidence-based research; and
GBVF related information across different government management information systems is readily used to address systemic challenges and facilitate effective solutions and responses.
Mode of programmes funding
The Board of the GBVF Response Fund 1 is expected to announce the process and criteria for funding projects and will be announced on later.