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How To Commit To Your Relationship

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Friday, August 7th, 2020
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If the relationship is worth committing to, you need to take risks and make sacrifices to provide elements of uncertainty and passion. Go back to the question of what you would do for the one you loved. Anything, right? If you’ve mastered yourself and you’ve achieved clarity in, and focus on, your outcomes, what’s stopping you from meeting them? What’s stopping you from doing everything possible to make your partner happy and figuring out how to get the passion back in your relationship?

If you haven’t committed and you’re weighing your options, your relationship is dying. You already have one foot out of the door. What do you truly want? What is it that you’re after? If you’ve achieved that level of personal mastery and you’re focused, you must commit. Commit to working through conflict and communicating openly with your partner. Commit to meeting their needs and to creating joy in your relationship. Commit to changing and addressing no passion in your relationship today.


What risks have you been avoiding in your relationship? How have you put yourself out there? What have you given or added to the relationship?

Experiment with ways of giving. Be creative and watch to see what your partner responds to the best. When you see patterns, think about what those things have in common and give your partner more. Don’t give up if you try something that doesn’t work. Trial and error is part of the process and being flexible will lead to fixing lack of passion in a relationship. Just keep watching and talking to your partner and learn as much from your failures as you do from your successes. Indeed, it’s only failure if you failed to learn.

Don’t let fear restrict your willingness to give, grow and learn. Remove whatever barriers you might have erected to protect yourself in moments of pain or sorrow. Intimacy demands laying yourself bare and opening yourself up. Don’t expect to succeed without a true, deep connection with your partner. This can be challenging, but you can do it, and you’ve already started by acknowledging your barriers and letting them down – so relax, breathe deeply and enjoy yourself. Feeling no passion in your relationship can more easily be addressed once protective walls come down.

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