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Speak God’s Word And Activate His Angels

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Saturday, October 5th, 2019
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Psalm 103:20 say bless the Lord,  His angels who excel in strength, who do His words, heeding the voice of His word. Notice that verse says that angels are “heeding the voice of His word. Now, who gives voice to God’s word? We do! each time we speak His Word, we give voice to His word. And when angels hear His word given voice, they respond.
The bible says that at the end of Daniel’s three weeks of fasting and prayer for an answer from God, the angel Gabriel appeared to Daniel and said unto him ” I have come because of your words”. So when angels hear you praying and asking God for anything, even when you quote the scriptures wrongly. As far as you are speaking God’s word, angels will hearken to that voice and your prayers shall be answered.
Faith 2
However, if you know God’s word by heart but refuse to proclaim it, the power of His word cannot be released. The bible does not say that angels heed His word. No, it says that “His angels who excel in strength, who do His word, heeding the voice of His word”. So beloved, give voice to God’s word and see His angels respond. His angels are activated for your benefit when you speak His word!!!

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