Prosecution has filed a petition to court seeking a 30-day remand for Diane Rwigara, Anne Rwigara and their mother Adeline Rwigara, according to the body’s spokesperson, Faustin Nkusi.
Speaking to The New Times today, Nkusi said that the suspects are likely to be produced before court in the next 72 hours and will be charged with public incitement among other charges.
“The three share a charge of inciting insurrection or trouble amongst the population but we have a separate charge for Diane Rwigara which is use of counterfeited documents,” Nkusi said.
Adeline Rwigara also faces another separate charge of use discrimination and sectarian practices.
“These are the charges we have decided to prefer against them and we shall present the merits in court. Both parties will be informed the date of court hearing,” Nkusi added.
Initially, Police was investigating the family members for another charge of tax evasion but Nkusi said that this was not filed to them by police so they will not be preferring such against the accused.
The Penal code provides a possible punishment of 10 to 15 year sentence in prison for a suspect convicted of inciting insurrection, while for the use of counterfeited papers, a suspect is liable to spending 5 to 7 years in prison plus a financial fine of Rwf300,000 to Rwf3 million.
As for the charges of using discrimination and sectarianism practices, a suspect is likely to spend between 5 to 7 years in jail plus a financial fine of Rwf100,000 to Rwf1 million.