Wearing leather is just something that comes to mind in cold weather, just like
taking a cup of tea. But in tropic regions, one can actually count the cold days
and considering the condition of the ozone layer, those cold days will keep
decreasing. And some of us like to wear our leather regardless of the weather,
so here are ways you can do that without getting barbequed;
1. Leather top
Tip: you could opt for a beautiful leather top in a neutral or pastel colour
2. Panelled dress
Tip: select a dress/top with a single panel of leather
3. Tank/vest
Tip: your leather vest/tank is a stylish way to beat the heat
4. Pants
Tip: experiment a pair of coloured leather pants
5. Skirt
Oluwanifemi Omojuwa is a fashion designer and presently a contributor for Abovewhispers.com. She loves fashion, photography and art in general.
Follow her on twitter @oluwanifemiomojuwa