I feel that there are three reasons why I procrastinate.
1. I’m feeling fearful. I often don’t do something because I’m afraid that the results won’t turn out the way I want them to.
2. I’m feeling unready. I don’t feel like I’m smart enough, good enough, or prepared enough for the task.
3. I’m feeling that there isn’t enough time. Life’s everyday tasks continually get in the way of things that I want to accomplish.
Here are the 6 things guaranteed to help you stop procrastinating, if you remember and follow them:
Action over feelings: The ultimate answer is to all three of these reasons is not to go by how I feel. I may feel those feelings but I don’t have to and shouldn’t live by them. Waiting and procrastinating equals passive living. I’m waiting for some outside force to move me pass my fear and towards action. Taking action (even one small step) despite my feelings is the only real way to move forward.
Fear is not from God: If I am feeling fearful, I can remember that God didn’t give me a spirit of fear or timidity. So, any fearful feelings shouldn’t be an excuse to not do something. God did however give me a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline and this gives me every reason to go ahead and try (2 Timothy 1:7).
Learn as I go: If I’m feeling like I’m not ready, I need to remember that I’ll probably never feel like I’m ready. What I’m actually doing is trying to learn as much about my destination as I can before I take steps forward. It’s okay if I learn a little bit beforehand if it helps me to go forward. But I can’t get stuck in the learning stage. Most learning happens in the midst of doing anyway. By faith, Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land. He went without knowing where he was ultimately going (Hebrews 11:8). Trusting God and learning as I go is the best choice.