Monday, October 28th, 2024

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Making Power Uncomfortable In Nigeria

The continuing mystery of President Buhari’s illness and the handling of the saga by his aides is more evidence that Nigeria’s political system works almost independently of the individual nominally in charge. If we had a responsive and functional political system in Nigeria, the independence of the system from political actors would be a good […]

On Nigerian Lawyers And Received English Lore

A couple of weeks ago, I received a bulletin email from Dr Aminu Gamawa, secretary of the newly constituted “Nigerian Bar Association Legal Profession Regulation Review Committee”. According to the email, this committee had been created to review “the current regulatory objectives and the regulatory architecture of the legal profession”. This is a good idea. […]

Waging A New War Against Indiscipline

Nigeria is not a democratic country. Although generally described as a democracy, Nigeria is, in reality, an anocracy. An anocracy is a system of government that is half democratic, half autocratic. In true democracies, authority progresses upwards from the people to a dependent centre. In true autocracies, authority flows downwards from an independent centre to […]

On gender equality and ignorance of high places

Over a week ago, the lawmakers of Enugu State had the opportunity to consider what was termed the “Equal Rights and Opportunities for Men and Women and other Matters Related Thereto Bill.” These lawmakers, however, were not in the mood for opportunities—equal or otherwise—and the bill was “stepped down.” I have not seen a copy […]