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Thursday, May 9th, 2024
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By Princess Arira

Every man that genuinely worships and praise the name of the Lord touches the glory of God. They get to the realm of the glory, every man that worship God ascribe glory to God. God will always be looking for worshipper because they are the ones that touches the glory of God.  The devil knows the value that worship adds to man so he will want to stop you from it. God can only benefit from a life of a worshipper. Heavens are declaring the glory of God, God is looking for men on earth to declare His glory to worship Him. One of the easiest way to see the strength and might of God is worship. Worship invokes God. 

Worship invokes God against your enemies, the devil will stop you from worshipping God because he knows that genuine worship gives you access to God. Worship directs the gaze of God to you, God will not hide anything from a genuine worshipper. When you see a genuine worshipper, you will find the Truth of God. Those who are the custodian of God are the true worshipper. Worship opens you up to the realms of God because worship belongs to God. Worship exposes the devices of the devil.

Every man that worships God meet God at the comfort zone of God. If you can’t ascribe worship to God you won’t get to His comfort zone. God seeks a man and the man God is seeking is a worshipper. When God finds you as a true worshipper, then He will give Himself to you. Every moment is a moment of worship for a worshipper. When you stop worshipping God, then you start to close the door of access.

Everything a believer can become is inside worship. When you see somebody struggling with worship, that person has put his hands in sin. Worship opens your spirit up, it makes your  heart penetrate. There are some doors that won’t open, until you use the access door of worship.

Bible references.,

Psm 19:1, Psm 29:1, Jhn 4:23-24. 

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