Tuesday, February 11th, 2025


First Lady Gertrude Mutharika Donates Materials To Needy Girls At Nsalura Community

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Thursday, November 15th, 2018
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As one way of promoting girl child to remain in school during the commemoration of the United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325, the country’s First lady Gertrude Mutharika has donated assorted items to the needy girls at Nsalura Community Day Secondary school in Salima district.

Speaking after making the donation on Wednesday, the First lady says Malawian girl child are at the

advantage because of the peace and stability of the country and encouraged them to work hard in their education and become effective in the country’s development after attaining better education.

She further urged parents to take a leading role in protecting the girls from any abuse that can lead them from dropping out of school.

 gertrude malawi

One of the beneficiaries, Mercy Morgen says ever since the First Lady started paying her school fees through Beautify Malawi (BEAM Trust) she dedicates all her time in her education without doing peace work to buy books and paying for school fees.

“I have peace of mind and I focus on my studies because of the kind gesture of our country’s First lady who pays for our school fees starting from form one and all the necessary items given to us to make our education environment conducive,” she said.

Launched in 31 October 2000, UNSCR 1325 has four basic pillars which aim at promoting participation, protection, prevention and Relief and Recovery among women and girls from abuse as well as excelling in top decision making positions.

Concurring to the resolution UNSCR resolution 1325, National Peace Architecture Chairman Apostle Madalitso Mbewe says for the country to prosper government needs to put deliberate policies to promote women and particularly a girl child.

The ceremony was sponsored by UNDP and UN women respectively and spiced up by different displays from business women, women aspirants, religious women leader, and judges from judiciary, defence force women officers and traditional dances.

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